[PIC_THREAD] Sports, Action, Transportation

Plenty of afterburners at RIAT 2014




Nice shot great sense of movement ,with the wet weather splashing,was this taken with your fuji combo ?
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wow Vapor trail ...superb shot of the 'Fitters' taking off ! always liked this a/c, a big mean beast of a machine !
I've been in Canada for the last few weeks so I missed the first few days of Airbourne 2014 but I guess life could be worse...

Despite being rather knackered, I decided to head down there immediately after I got home to see if I could see those two Lancasters before Shoreham Airshow in a few weeks. I didn't see them and the crappy weather/tiredness made me cut my visit short but I got a few alright shots.

I love this lens :D That is all

little album - https://www.flickr.com/photos/phal44/sets/72157646152836087

1- Chinook which is pretty sharp considering I was struggling to stand up straight in the wind and this is 1/125 exposure!

Chinook by Phal44, on Flickr

2- RAF Jet Provost doing a quick wiz by. Easier to get a sharp shot since you can use faster exposures for jets but then again they're a bit quicker!

Jet Provost by Phal44, on Flickr

3- Mustang shots weren't fantastic and this one isn't as sharp as it could have been but the weather sucked :(

P-51 Mustang by Phal44, on Flickr

4- RAF Tutor flyby - He could have waved...

RAF Tutor by Phal44, on Flickr
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Well its sport but no action!


Brechin City FC squad 2014 (note the two guys front left! :p)


Brechin Vics Junior Team 2014 (managed by Charlie King (centre left), ex Brechin legend)
Not the typical sport/transportation stuff... It's Horseback wooden stick pokey pokey from the past or as it's otherwise known, Jousting!

Here's the whole album of just over 100 pics from 2 rounds of jousting yesterday. I used the 200-400mm for the first round when I was stood at the far end. For the second round I used my 100mm F2.8L and shot from a kind of diagonal angle to the runs they did.

It was an interesting experience to photograph that's for sure! I used some AF focus points I'd never used before in order to frame the shots which was fun :) 100mm on my 70 was probably a little bit long but at least it means I get some good close/sharp shots.


And here's a few action shots :)

Sunday Jousting round 1 - (28) by Phal44, on Flickr

Sunday Jousting round 1 - (33) by Phal44, on Flickr

Sunday Jousting round 1 - (35) by Phal44, on Flickr

Sunday Jousting round 2 - (33) by Phal44, on Flickr
I'm not too pleased with this one but it was the best i could do in such a busy and small place

i was trying to get a 5 shot panorama to show the sheer size of the spacecraft and this was the outcome

Not too pleased? Why's that? Did you end up having to crop more than you anticipated or something else? I know when I've stitched together something like that in the past I've forgotten to leave enough room around the edges to crop stuff as necessary.
Exactly that

I had to crop off the tip of the nose because they have a sheet of glass to stop people touching it which was reflecting a tonne of light and had a railing

i also had to crop the front bottom because the rest of the images were to high due to the angle of them taken

I guess it's just one of those things! this was purely an experiment though
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