[PIC_THREAD] Wildlife, Animals, Birds, Zoo

Caught this little fellow while I was pelting down a canal path, sadly I was shaking badly from over exertion and it was shot on a non-IS 17-50mm.


Only cropped to take get rid of some of the bad framing, he was very close, and very chatty! :D
Hi There,
First post in the photography forums - using parents D5100 w/ kit lens... been doing a lot of reading and practising and looking to invest soon in my own stuff.

Couple of pictures from the trip below, best I can do at the moment, hopefully I will have more experience next time and be able to tackle the enclosures better!

DSC_0331.jpg by blairlochrie, on Flickr

DSC_0393.jpg by blairlochrie, on Flickr

DSC_0533.jpg by blairlochrie, on Flickr

DSC_0257.jpg by blairlochrie, on Flickr
I had the day off work so went for a boat trip, with these fellas on my doorstep I really should do it more often :

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