[PIC_THREAD] Wildlife, Animals, Birds, Zoo

Not sure about messing with the colours (blue shadows). However it's a solid picture. Was it shot through glass?

Eurgh, blue shadows, I really do need to get my monitor recalibrated. Looks fine here :(

But yeah, shot through glass, no CPL either, because foolishly I left it at home (this annoyed me greatly that day)


how was this taken? and what with? :)
how was this taken? and what with? :)

It was in a tree I walked past. The sky at the back makes it look a bit like it's in a studio doesn't it!! Not intentional though.

5D3 and 100-400mm. I think the exif is something like F5.6 and 1/500th and ISO 100. Or there abouts.
Good shot but would be nice to have the ears I think

Yeah, thought the same, but I only got two chances to get shots of him like this. I'll have a look at the other one, but I think ears are off on that one as well :( If I'd tracked him slightly longer I could have probably got it, but I spent a good 5 minutes+ tracking him as it was, and I was with others so didn't want to keep them waiting.

Might have got that blue tint because of shooting through glass

Yeah, but PS should have got rid of it :( Seeing it on the second monitor now more so, so definitely need to get my main monitor calibrated.

It was in a tree I walked past. The sky at the back makes it look a bit like it's in a studio doesn't it!! Not intentional though.

5D3 and 100-400mm. I think the exif is something like F5.6 and 1/500th and ISO 100. Or there abouts.

thanks for the info

i keep thinking about the 100-400mm lens myself
I don't know if I prefer the colour or the B&W. They were taken moments apart, for the colour the evening sun creeped out from behind a cloud momentarily and I manged to get a foot closer before it jumped off.

I don't know if I prefer the colour or the B&W. They were taken moments apart, for the colour the evening sun creeped out from behind a cloud momentarily and I manged to get a foot closer before it jumped off.


i think i prefer the colour in this case, for me there isnt enough contrast

BTW, im very jealous of where you live..so much wildlife
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