Yes tick them both 50hz is for uk content 24hz is for movies from blu-ray
Brilliant thank's
Not sure why they were unticked by default unless I mucked around with them a while back.
Yes tick them both 50hz is for uk content 24hz is for movies from blu-ray
Hey moogleys I tried the AVF setings and to be quite honest I thought it was terrible. SO I jsut use the ISF bright room setting and turned off all the picture processing junk.
What movie is that you are testing with ?
Ok will have a look..
I was going to try AVF settings on the B6, but I here lots say how dark the settings are, may try settings by a guy called darko, google darko b6 settings and he has a video.
bought one yesterday from here
Whoa, that is quite a pronounced difference!I have a B6 OLED at the moment and have been doing some side by side comparisons with my KS7000. The blacks on the OLED are fantastic but in my opinion also it's weakest part. The OLED looses huge amounts of low light detail compared to the LCD especially when HDR is being used. I'm still fiddling but the pic below shows what I mean. The OLED is just very black even with the OLED level and brightness turned up. It's HDR reproduction cannot pull the low light detail like the LCD can. It's nice and dark but missing a lot of the image.
Anyone have any tips on settings I have tried the AVF presets but tbh they are even darker.....
That's were I got mine. The SH7 soundbar is surprisingly good. I'm not getting on with the TV for me it's just not worth the extra £600 over the KS7000. I'm going to play this morning but it's likely going too be going back this afternoon.
Have you tried adjusting the Gamma on your B6 Moogleys ?
I just cannot get the OLED
Yes mate. It's a lovely screen and it really wows but when you dig deeper it just does not give the full picture so to speak. The black crush is very apparent and the loss of detail in dark scenes is very apparent no matter how much tweaking the settings I do. It's either very dark or Grey....
I wish I had never decided it would be a good idea to run them side by side now....
Oh well if your not happy and have tried varies settings then i guess you need to send it back.
Trouble is everything else is stunning on it. I think I will just turn off the KS7000 and get it sold pronto so I can no longer compare tbh......
The SH7 soundbar is superb really impressed with the sound from it. Took me a while to work out that you cannot use Bluetooth tv connect and game mode though. Had me stumped for ages... lol
Oh and not being able to read exfat is a pain if you are a Mac user.....
I have a B6 OLED at the moment and have been doing some side by side comparisons with my KS7000. The blacks on the OLED are fantastic but in my opinion also it's weakest part. The OLED looses huge amounts of low light detail compared to the LCD especially when HDR is being used. I'm still fiddling but the pic below shows what I mean. The OLED is just very black even with the OLED level and brightness turned up. It's HDR reproduction cannot pull the low light detail like the LCD can. It's nice and dark but missing a lot of the image.
Anyone have any tips on settings I have tried the AVF presets but tbh they are even darker.....