Picked up my new car this weekend........955hp V10 Audi RS6! (HP figure updated 08/10/22)

1000hp isn't do-able with compromising the structure of the car (front chassis legs need cutting away to fit a bigger turbo compressor) or running race fuel (silly expensive).

900hp Vid - Maybe, I did this one pretty much off the cuff. I started work at 7am, booked everything whilst at work and got back home at 9.30am the next day without any sleep which was knackering (and a bit stupid). So if I decide to do it again I'd have to do it over a weekend, book a hotel etc which pushes up the cost too.
Certainly has a lot of pull. Seemed like it had a fair bit more than 206mph to give too. I agree though, it doesn't seem worth staying at that speed for too long, too risky. How much strain do these mods put on the engine?
That's wonderfully mental! What speed are the tyres rated at? That would be my main concern.

Many sections of unrestricted Autobahn are two lanes only, but I know what you mean about passing people at silly speeds, I was nervous doing 140mph past traffic, let alone 200! I didn't try to max my car until I found an almost completely empty stretch.
Havana - Yeap, the Autobahn A40 is a dual carriage-way hence dropping to 70-ish as I wouldn't like to pass a HGV at 200mph, the wind-blast would be very "unsettling" :eek:

Tyres are rated for 10mins at 186mph so spending <20 seconds above that isn't an issue but I wouldn't do any sustained driving at >186mph.

CaptainRAVE - It'll do >213mph but the speedo (digital/needle) both stop at 213 as the speed sensor runs out of resolution.The engine is incredibly strong and the temps were very manageable but the gearbox was starting to get a bit hot (longer/harsher changes).
Venlo? That's in the Netherlands if remember correctly, in which case I'm not so sure the speed limit is unrestricted. I could be wrong however. :p
Come on BH, Google skills lacking there! It's on the border and assuming this is the bit of tarmac in question:

According to that website it is indeed unrestricted!
Awesome video :D
Blackhawk - It's the closest bit of unrestricted Autobahn to the UK being right on the Dutch border, however I *may* used a bit of the A67 in Holland as a warm up :eek: as it's basically the same road. I also find it a bit weird that Google StreetView ends at the border :confused:
That Hindhead tunnel video :D

Also, the tunnel doesn't have a 70MPH restriction when the signs overhead are off surely!
Blackhawk - It's the closest bit of unrestricted Autobahn to the UK being right on the Dutch border, however I *may* used a bit of the A67 in Holland as a warm up :eek: as it's basically the same road. I also find it a bit weird that Google StreetView ends at the border :confused:

The German public are rather pro-privacy (an overhang of the days with the secret police, either Nazi or USSR), to the point where Streetview was seen as an invasion of privacy and the service was pulled from Germany except in the most touristy areas of famous places.

That aside though, I couldn't help but laugh at that video - the acceleration is incredible even after 120. Could only think of the memory of the ride from the last meet. :D
Marvin - I didn't know that Re: Google.

Last meet - My "worry" with 900hp during the colder weather is that, as fun as it is on big wide straight-ish roads, it felt like the mid 700's was a sweet spot of power vs quattro grip. Those few passenger rides I did were pretty close to the limit of grip considering the road conditions so with 900+ it'd have been either too dangerous if the TCS was Off or much slower with the TCS On as it would have been constantly pulling power to avoid wheel-spin (the TCS is very harsh).

However, once it's a bit warmer it should just grip and go if the pax ride I took in another 900+ RS6 is anything to go by which should make for some interesting rides :eek:
Marvin - I didn't know that Re: Google.

Last meet - My "worry" with 900hp during the colder weather is that, as fun as it is on big wide straight-ish roads, it felt like the mid 700's was a sweet spot of power vs quattro grip. Those few passenger rides I did were pretty close to the limit of grip considering the road conditions so with 900+ it'd have been either too dangerous if the TCS was Off or much slower with the TCS On as it would have been constantly pulling power to avoid wheel-spin (the TCS is very harsh).

However, once it's a bit warmer it should just grip and go if the pax ride I took in another 900+ RS6 is anything to go by which should make for some interesting rides :eek:

It was crazy as is, you had me grinning from ear to ear! Have been regularly checking the classifieds since...dangerous!
That was, erm, fast!

900hp Vid - Maybe, I did this one pretty much off the cuff. I started work at 7am, booked everything whilst at work and got back home at 9.30am the next day without any sleep which was knackering (and a bit stupid). So if I decide to do it again I'd have to do it over a weekend, book a hotel etc which pushes up the cost too.

OCUK road trip?! Sure there would be a few others up for it, could be a fun overnight trip.
That was, erm, fast!

OCUK road trip?! Sure there would be a few others up for it, could be a fun overnight trip.

Do it as part of a weekend trip to the 'ring. It's only marginally longer to come back via Düsseldorf/Duisburg than going straight for Begium (and their awful roads).

Drive over Saturday morning, arrive at the 'ring in time for evening session if you want, go to hotel, drink some beer, eat food, sleep, up at 7 for brekkie, get to 'ring at 7.45ish, get lap tickets, get on when it opens at 8 and enjoy mostly empty track for 2ish hours (but be careful of the slippery bits!). If you leave at about 3pmish you'll be home by 11pm.
Ring Trip - I'll be doing a couple later this year anyway, one for me and one with my Dad & Uncle. Both will be Friday to Sunday trips so plenty of time for Autobahn shenanigans :D
So...... Much....... Want! That overnight trip sounds crazy though.... Bit longer adding 4+hours min each way from south Wales :p
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