piracy? lets solve it with a letter!

I disagree. Whilst things like Netflix and Hulu (and now Amazon) are a step in the right direction, there's still a bunch of issues. The biggest one for me, at the moment, is cost.

Let's take someone who wants to watch just Game of Thrones, since it's reported as the most-pirated TV show. To get this in the UK, you have to take out a Sky subscription for £21.50 per month. You get ten episodes per series, one series per year so far, running over three months. That's £64.50 for ten episodes of a show, £6.45 per episode, if that's the only thing you watch (I don't know if there is a minimum contract length with Sky). How is that a good deal? You can buy a whole film on DVD for around that much. :(

Compare that to Instant Video from Amazon. You can pay £2.49 for an episode in HD, or £1.89 for SD - the cheapest option to get an entire series is £16.99; that's much better value. The downside, of course, is that you can't get it as it is being shown.

So, best deal for someone who wants to watch it as it is shown? Download it from other sources without paying. The amount of money the film and music industry puts into fighting piracy is obscene. If they invested just half as much of it into providing ways for people to get just the content they want, at reasonable prices and without any silliness, piracy would be an ever smaller problem (which is debatable anyway) than it is right now. The gaming industry, whilst not perfect, has certainly done a good job so far. I don't know anyone who resorts to piracy for their games any more, with the exception of those that are no longer available to buy.

£4.99 per month entertainment pass allows you to watch the entire back catalogue of GoT as and when you want to.
It also has access to sky atlantic so you can watch the new episodes live, or wait for catchup to be add free.

The Now TV box is £9.99 if you want one, or you can just watch on your PC instead using Silverlight.
£4.99 per month entertainment pass allows you to watch the entire back catalogue of GoT as and when you want to.
It also has access to sky atlantic so you can watch the new episodes live, or wait for catchup to be add free.

The Now TV box is £9.99 if you want one, or you can just watch on your PC instead using Silverlight.

Then you need a TV licence ££££ for live
Hopefully.... it is potentially a bit of a trojan horse - if it isn't seen to work to some extent the entertainment industry will use its ineffectiveness to push for stricter regulation.

Ineffective at what though? There is no proof or indication that there is any correlation between piracy and lost sales.
One of the main issues in my opinion is that the tv/film/record companies value what they are selling too highly.

Maybe record/film execs should stop taking such a large amount of money and maybe they should stop paying film stars ludicrous sums of money.

If all new release blu rays were more like £5 or less I would probably buy them. At £15 a pop I would just rather wait till its a lot cheaper or on TV.

If they are struggling with revenue so much, they need to perhaps rethink how much they value what they are selling.
£4.99 per month entertainment pass allows you to watch the entire back catalogue of GoT as and when you want to.
It also has access to sky atlantic so you can watch the new episodes live, or wait for catchup to be add free.

The Now TV box is £9.99 if you want one, or you can just watch on your PC instead using Silverlight.

Interesting, I hadn't heard of Now TV previously.
. isp can block vpn via ports? make it illegal if found to be using plenty of options really.

They'd never do that. VPNs have extensive use in businesses and education. Infact, I'm using a VPN right now to read an academic journal. I require it as the site will only give access to my University IP range and the VPN with the University allows me to do that from home. Hardly nefarious is it?
The more people it stops the better as it's less likely to be pushed as heavy.
I for one cannot stream and downloading a full hd 5.1 file would take days with normal use
If there was a service that allowed me to download films and TV series in 1080p and straight after release for a small fee or adverts then I would happily use it.

Ditto. I want high-bitrate 1080p DRM-free downloads. I'm still waiting for legal FLAC downloads to become widespread. :/
I think it will make a difference.

a lot of the appeal for downloading is the anonymity,

For one, I think kids downloading games and movies will be a bit wiser when their parents pick up a letter saying it has come to our attention that you have a bit of a habit of violating copy right law. This is illegal and could result in a criminal conviction in the future.

Also reminding people that they know who they are and what they are doing will go along way to alter this mindset that because it's the internet you aren't accountable.

Agreed. Wind back to being a kid and I'd have been in a right load of bother if Mother opened the letter. But if father opened the post that day, he'd just ask me to download him some stuff too.
But as a kid I'd have been scared of the wrath of mother opening the letter!
If no one paid for it would it still get made?

This is the problem, lots of shows get cancelled because the US use a very outdated method to show how many people are watching. Whether any of us here watch it on TV or download it makes 0 difference to them or their pockets. It's all down to a very few select people in the US with a nielsen box.

It's one thing I agree with Total Biscuit on, TV is becoming irrelevant, but content makers are more relevant than ever. They just need to change the way it is delivered to customers.
I would pay for some of the things i watch if i could. Game of thrones for example... i would happily pay for each season from HBO but I'm not going to buy a TV license, buy a subscription pack with HBO just to watch the series.

So every Monday i stream Sundays episode.. FU HBO and your archaic media choices.

I dont download i stream from free sites as its less hassle and easier. if ever i get one of these it can join the 30 or so TV license letters i'm saving and adding to.
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