Yup, confirmed. The biggest community unfiltered platform has basically been sold out.
The owner, Dan Streufert has sold adsbx (adsb exchange) to Jetnet for around $8M. adsbx has always been very vocal about providing unfiltered traffic to anyone who wants it for free and has replied on the generosity of feeders who give their data.
here. The very vocal James from adsbx has been fired and all the existing devs are on contract for the next few months.
What an absolute git this Dan is.
If anyone feeds to adsbx, I suggest you consider stop feeding. Your data is now going to a commercial organisation rather than a free, open source project.
Log on to your pi and run this command:
sudo bash /usr/local/share/adsbexchange/uninstall.sh
If that doesn't do anything, it's because you've got an older version of the adsbx feeder so you can stop it like this:
sudo systemctl disable --now adsbexchange-feed
sudo systemctl disable --now adsbexchange-mlat
sudo systemctl stop adsbexchange-feed.service
sudo systemctl stop adsbexchange-mlat.service
sudo systemctl stop adsbexchange-stats.service
sudo systemctl disable adsbexchange-feed.service
sudo systemctl disable adsbexchange-mlat.service
sudo systemctl disable adsbexchange-stats.service
And to check that you've stopped, go
here and make sure it says "No feeder connection"