Planetary Annihilation - Kickstarter Project

First game with 4 Ai's they nuked my planet from the other side of the planet, I only put anti nuke sites around my base. other side of the planet blow up my base lol
Yeah I get its in development and I get that the devs wanted to do something totally different with the technology caps in order to give you supposedly infinite playability but their idea in its current form is flawed.

I don't know what the answer is, as I don't know what their plans for the future are but I'm certainly glad I only paid the £10 for it in the sale and can only hope that they continue to flesh out what seems to me like something truly unique...
Can someone please tell me how the hell you build any tier 2 tech?

I can't see any options to build anything but tier 1 stuff, even though everything I've read so far says once you've built a tier 1 construction bot, you should be able to build the advanced factory type but I can't see any option to.

I really want to know this too, I'd love to be able to build space ships and such but the furthest I can get is the transport craft. The AI I played against in Galactic Annihilation just built massive orbital laser batteries which I could do nothing against!
I really want to know this too, I'd love to be able to build space ships and such but the furthest I can get is the transport craft. The AI I played against in Galactic Annihilation just built massive orbital laser batteries which I could do nothing against!

Advanced tiers are built using fabrication units built from their respective factories.

edit: As far as I understand galactic annihilation, you must travel around the galaxy collecting technologies, so this may be a limiting factor in your case. I've not tried it yet.
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yeah, the advanced tier was straight forward when i tried it last week.

Main guy builds bot factory.
bot factory builds bot fabricator.
bot fabricator has adv bot factory in build list (above std bot factory)

I havent tried single player, vs AI they're lethal, and too aggressive and built up before you've thought about anything, certainly as a newcomer.
I think a run thorough the campaign would help, if its anything like C&C, then you'll get access to stuff as you progress, and they'll come at you harder bit by bit.

Vs a friend, where we just figured stuff out was better, at least you had the chance to understand what a building provided, rather than getting attacked from all angles vs AI.
Yeah in the Galactic Annihilation, I've discovered that you need to collect tech from either conquering or exploring systems. To build advanced vehicles and subsequently tier 2 technology like advanced power stations and orbital lasers you need to either have the corresponding advanced or complete (if you don't already have basic like naval)

It can be interesting, but you seem to need to be lucky in what you loot, I was fortunate enough to loot super weapons but don't get too excited, most bouts are over before you have chance to complete construction.

Problem is, core matches where you're attacking an enemy core world (will have their little symbol on) are near impossible unless you're packing 2 sub commanders as you can be expecting to tally up against 2 or three enemies on a large system (3 or 4 planets) those so far are the only matches I've sort of enjoyed and I finally even got to use the "Halley" (Planet engine) to fly a moon into a planet.. That was pretty fun! Though crippled me too as most of my resources where coming from that moon.

Best technique I've found for winning a 1 on 1 against the AI though is to build 2 metal extractors and power plants for every 1 factory, for ever 1 factory build 2 construction units build some defenses and then rinse and repeat while churning out tanks and anti air etc and start flooding!

I am pretty disappointed by this game though, yeah compared with say the old Command & Conquer type games there are a few new features, yeah you can hop planets, yeah you can smash one planet into another and the maps are spherical as opposed to flat and you have no unit cap (though build to much and watch your fps drop to a slide show). Oh and they seriously limit your tech which could be kind of cool if it was better thought out...

But there is nothing really new here, there is no space combat and never will be apart from building a few satellites, systems you've secured never come under attack and from what I've seen they never will, so you don't care about the systems you capture and it just feels like one skirmish after another with no real objective or reason.

I hate to say it but despite the hype this game has generated its not the RTS we've been waiting for... and I much preferred playing Supreme Commander 2 and Total Annihilation to this.

Okay so cross Planetary Annihilation, Empire at War (for the space combat) and Total war (for the campaign) but have it so capturing, holding or destroying worlds or even entire solar systems is actually important and that the ground game is equally as important as the space game and then you've got a truly epic or uber strategy game I'd gladly shell out a ton of money for (if I had any)
Cartoonish at best.... personally I think a step backwards from Sup Com 2!

Not played Fragile Alliance but it does look pretty similar from perving at the images on Google..
Yeah why not, it looks pretty good :)

Does anyone fancy a game or two on PA tonight from about 8?

Keep getting my bottom handed to me and it would be good to go head to head or team up with some OcUK players...
Yeah why not, it looks pretty good :)

Does anyone fancy a game or two on PA tonight from about 8?

Keep getting my bottom handed to me and it would be good to go head to head or team up with some OcUK players...

What's your PA name? I've been playing this since alpha. I'm not particularly good but I'd be happy to show you the ropes
Vidarsbane should be on again about 10pm for an hour or so :)

It's such a pity that the single player game is just awful in comparison to the online play, I just keep getting steam rolled and can't seem to keep up!
From my short time playing PA I fear that that increased scale may have impacted the strategic decisions that can be made in relation to TA and the Sup com series.

One of my main complaints is the design of the planets and how that impacts the lay out of bases. Naval units present another perplexing issue with the game as they are very limited capabilities and they've yet to balance them in any meaningful way.
Okay Vidar's top tips so far...

1) Establish air cover from the get go... 1 fighter, 1 bomber on continuous build, select the air factory, hit patrol and drag out a massive area around your base and surrounding area's...

2) Repeat above steps with orbital fighters, only get those bad boys roaming the planet and establish total orbital dominance..

3) Build a bot factory (preferably advanced) and start churning out those repair bots... think they lay mines too... get them patrolling around your base they really help!

4) Don't forget your anti nuke sites!

5) Colonize another planet! inevitably if there is more than one world to play on I guarantee someone will fly it into you and there is no defense against that other than colonies...
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Indeed Scroll, I don't think it's ever going to be perfect though...

Basically it's better to accept it as it is than wish it was something else..

Or I could go back to Forged Alliance, that's as close to perfection as one could hope to achieve.
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