
Very nice. Very very impressed. How easy to apply and whats the drying time Andy?

Far easier than spray paint, it really does not run and I put some quite heavy coats at times.

It seems to dry fast, I was applying a new coat every 30 mins and I must have picked it up and fitted it 30 or so mins afterwards, it was dry and rub resistent, though not hardened fully so would scratch, am sure it will harden after a few hours of drying.

I'd say one can could do two splitters, though I've used pretty much all of it as just kept going until nearly empty, though to be fair it looked fine after just 2 coats and I've probably applied 4-5 coats. :D
Tempted to ***** refurb my spare set of wheels with this, maybe an arctic blue colour for a set of winter tyres :D
That splitter looks brilliant.

Wonder what it would be like painting over already painted exterior plastics to give a more durable finish?
Hmmm i think I'm going to get some black paint to do my alloys, just to see if i do like them black before going ahead and powder coating.

No damage is done to the paint underneath?
Hmmmm, the satin black I painted my ST grills in is flaking away like mad now, so I might have to invest in a few tins of this, and give it a try. Do you need to primer beforehand?
Good idea on the spraying of the splitter Gibbo. I may do mine if I can be bothered to take it off!

My brother did various parts of his MINI interior, they look and feel great. Brilliant stuff.
I'm guessing this would be suitable on the scuttle panel of the GFs Swift? It's one of those Jap plastic parts which discolours the minute you add a drop of water and leave it outside. I can keep using 303 on it but it doesn't really last. At least using this would keep it black? Does anyone know it's fade rate (if at all)?
Quite a few of the guys on the 300zx forum have done their scuttle panels and other roof mounted trims with this and seems a fairly good fix, not seen anyone report of it going bad or anything.
If you spray it onto a slightly textured surface then does it retain that texture or does it make it feel all smooth?
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