
Bumping this thread.

Need my wheels refurbishing but can't afford to have them done professionally until next year (Wedding saving!)

So... going to try Plastidip with F-799 on top. I don't think F-799 has been mentioned in here but it gives the 'Matt' finish a glossy shine. Its a little more expensive @ £15 a tin but i think one tin of F-799 should do it, max of 2 tins and a couple of tins of Plastidip.

Will let you know how i get on :)
I want satin/matte pink colour. Sadly the wheels I have designated for such a colour need filling and sanding anyway :( Will just have to get them done professionally with actual paint methinks.

pink wheels on an mx5, what is wrong with you?:p
pink wheels on an mx5, what is wrong with you?:p

*flaps hands around above his head whilst waddling like a demented penguin*

Nothing wrong with me sweetie, they will look FABULOUS!

I've just decided I want glitter in the lacquer too :cool:
Figured I'd stick my 2p worth in this thread rather than start a fresh one. Had my first crack at plastidip spraying yesterday. I've bought it to have a go at the side skirt blades which are looking tatty as the lacquer is peeling off but had a go at the grill surround first to try it out as these are much cheaper to replace if I balls it up. :)

Results are below:





I've taken photos of the whole process if anyone wants, but it's not rocket science. Take part off car, clean, spray, wait, replace. Gotta say, I'm very happy with the results, even on a small part. I'm hoping to have a crack at the side blades tomorrow.

For now, consider this another recommendation. :)
Looking good LSPIII,

Id be really interested to see how durable this is, especially on the parts of the car most at risk from stone chips.

Quite, I'm considering seeing what the clear version is like if so as it could be a nice cheap way of protecting the bonnet/bumper from stone chips. I'll be finding out in due course about the side blades as they have gotten quite scratched over time.
I wonder how effective this would be on a MTB frame lol if it can withstand stone chips and the like from a car travelling at high speeds, surely it could protect and stay looking good on a mtb frame.
Planning on doing my front splitter in this stuff, also may do my other set of rubbish alloys in them just to give them a spruce up.

Website says they're out of stock of black spray though, Anywhere else to buy from? Or does painting it on with a brush work ok?
I have a painted and lacquered front splitter on the GTI. It has been sprayed by a bodyshop as it originally came as plain plastic. The question I have is that it already looks like someone has peppered it with white paint, its the stone chips from my miles on the motorway. Will plastidip be black enough to cover these up and provide a decent enough finish? Its only the front splitter so I don't really need an awesome finish.
is there an easy way of making this gloss? I want my e92 grill gloss black. Would i just finish it with the clear?
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