Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running



31 Oct 2002
finally did my first 4 mile run last night. I realise it's no big distance but having smoked for 30 years, and stopping 4 months ago, it feels like a major breakthrough :)
Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
anyone doing the british 10k in London this weekend? I am with a couple of mates, will be my first organised run (as an adult). I regularly do the distance but I am by no means fast - would like to get in the low 50s.

I have heard it is badly organised and a bit of a nightmare but with nothing to compare to i hope it will be good.

I did 10k yesterday and thought I would make that my last long run until my race on sunday - with perhaps one 5k on Thursday and may be tonight. Does that sound about right?
19 Apr 2004
5km in 25mins is 12km/h Begbie :)

Got some new running trainers the other day - had my gait analysed and i haven't really changed in the last couple of years (front striking/neutral) but after taking them out for their first go i noticed I got a blister on the underside of the arch of my left foot. I've never had this before and wondered if it was just because they were new - i haven't had blister problems for ages since changing to twin-skinned socks.

A few days later i had another go after the blister healed a bit just on single-skinned socks, i did a light run and it felt OK so figured the trainers just needed to settle in, so then took them out last night to attempt a long run (back on twin skin socks). After about 5km i noticed some irritation and carried on until it became v painful and stopped at 7km. Checked my foot and i had exactly the same problem.

It seems to be caused by the inner bit in my trainer rubbing against my foot - but i can't understand why this would be so much of a problem on twin-skin socks. The trainers definitely fit OK from how I can tell.

Anyone have any ideas? i might try cutting down the inner on my trainers and giving that a go
25 May 2003
Anyone do the JPMC Corporate Challenge in Battersea on Thursday?

My god it was hot! First run for 10 months for me and I was mega slow - 5.6k took 36 minutes! Good news was my knees seemed ok at the end after a bit of deep freeze so the physio seems to be working :D
17 Aug 2005
I got my gait checked out today, I strike on the outside of my heel but ankle comes inwards.

Got some brooks support trainers that feel much more comfortable to run in. I was starting to get pains in my knees and shin splints in old trainers as I went to increase my distance.

Got home and went out for a run, 1.5mile as fast as possible. I did 1.41miles (I had pressed bloody pause on cardio trainer and didnt realise lol) 8mins59 so that extra .9 I could have done in probably 30secs if I had pushed. My best was 9:28 some time ago so im ALMOST back to that.

I really struggle with anything longer than 5k though, I can manage maybe 15mins of solid running before I need a walk rest and its frustrating me a lot.

My breathing ends up a bit hard to control and when i get it sorted I just lack energy really, I get in a routine and feel comfortable but my legs just feel exhausted its not much fun :(

I also find it very difficult to pace myself, always start off way to fast and realise after a few mins its probably to much to keep up.

Really need to sort out my energy levels and breathing, at times I really dont feel as if I have made much progress. Maybe expecting to much to quick who knows.
18 Oct 2002
Patience! no need to be worried about pace, time etc. just concentrate on running that little bit longer. If you need to run/walk, no worries. Just target being able to run a little longer.
24 Oct 2002
Bucks and Edinburgh
I got my gait checked out today, I strike on the outside of my heel but ankle comes inwards.

Got some brooks support trainers that feel much more comfortable to run in. I was starting to get pains in my knees and shin splints in old trainers as I went to increase my distance.

Got home and went out for a run, 1.5mile as fast as possible. I did 1.41miles (I had pressed bloody pause on cardio trainer and didnt realise lol) 8mins59 so that extra .9 I could have done in probably 30secs if I had pushed. My best was 9:28 some time ago so im ALMOST back to that.

I really struggle with anything longer than 5k though, I can manage maybe 15mins of solid running before I need a walk rest and its frustrating me a lot.

My breathing ends up a bit hard to control and when i get it sorted I just lack energy really, I get in a routine and feel comfortable but my legs just feel exhausted its not much fun :(

I also find it very difficult to pace myself, always start off way to fast and realise after a few mins its probably to much to keep up.

Really need to sort out my energy levels and breathing, at times I really dont feel as if I have made much progress. Maybe expecting to much to quick who knows.

I find that the slower you start untill you get into a steady state breathing wise, the faster and longer I can go later on. Dont get me wrong, Im not a fast runner in fact Im pretty slow (PB for 5k is just under 26mins) but I find if I go out fast I gas out faster.
18 Oct 2002
I find that the slower you start untill you get into a steady state breathing wise, the faster and longer I can go later on. Dont get me wrong, Im not a fast runner in fact Im pretty slow (PB for 5k is just under 26mins) but I find if I go out fast I gas out faster.

I'm exactly the same, think it may be cos i don't warm up really just go straight into a jog.
Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
Enjoyed the british 10k today. It was a great atmosphere with the roads closed in London. Loved it. I did 55 minutes which I wasn't too disappointed with as it was really hard getting past people as it was so busy and people were not grouped by expected times (as in people walking, jogging slowly everywhere and constantly getting in the way). There were about 25k runners.

I want to do a quieter 10k next and aim for low 50s.
20 Oct 2004
Enjoyed the british 10k today. It was a great atmosphere with the roads closed in London. Loved it. I did 55 minutes which I wasn't too disappointed with as it was really hard getting past people as it was so busy and people were not grouped by expected times (as in people walking, jogging slowly everywhere and constantly getting in the way). There were about 25k runners.

I want to do a quieter 10k next and aim for low 50s.

I would be pretty happy to get 55 on my first 10k. Well done mate.

Totally addicted the decent weather here. God only knows what am going to do when we get feets worth of snow up here :/
10 Nov 2003
Surrey, by the river
Anyone do the JPMC Corporate Challenge in Battersea on Thursday?

My god it was hot! First run for 10 months for me and I was mega slow - 5.6k took 36 minutes! Good news was my knees seemed ok at the end after a bit of deep freeze so the physio seems to be working :D

Not this year. I usually go along to cheer my wife on. It's a nice little event, but not one for setting PBs!
7 Nov 2009
Going for my first ever run - or at least as part of a fitness boosting regime - tomorrow. Decided to try and shift the belly that I'm rapidly getting.
Bit worried as I have a bit of arthritis (rheumatoid) in my feet and knees but the doctors say it's OK as long as I don't over do it. Going to switch between running and swimming to get a bit fitter and give me something to do rather than playing the computer all day!
Hope I enjoy it.

Oh yeah, thanks for the guide Platypus. It's awfully helpful!
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13 Jan 2003
First run in... ooo a year. *hangs head in shame*

I am so unfit it's amazing! 52 minutes running a route through the forrest and running up the hills.. with a few walking moments (156 avg HR, 196 max). I'm going sleep like the dead tonight!

Next run will be friday night.. then I'll start the 2.8 mile route I used to run.
20 Aug 2009
Local to someone
I had my 1st run since March last Sunday (taken that long to recover from ligament damage) 4k in 26 minutes as I had to stop and walk several times when I felt twinges in the injured ankle. Current goal is to return to where I was in March; 10k twice a week (goal was 45 minutes but I was at 52m)

Slept well that Sunday night for sure and legs were sore as hell Monday and Tuesday.
1 Jul 2009
Can anyone help, I keep getting a stitch about half way through my run, always and don't know what the cause is. I try eating 3 hours before I go.

Btw my new trainers work I don't get shin splints anymore.
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