Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Update on yesterdays run; Jebus, my quads hurt! Cycling to work this morning will be hard!

Stitches; I tend to find that mine are the result of poor posture or breathing. Make sure your pelvis is forward, back straight and chest open. Long deep breaths if you feel one coming on.
Same distance (2.5 miles) slightly faster time (25 minutes) last night as I managed to go non-stop. Certainly don't hurt as much as I did last week but my ankle felt very weak last night after streching compared to last week first run back. Next week I am going to try and go 3 miles. Progress is being made finally.
I've heard good reports from mates who have them and use them. Keep meaning to get one. Useful for working out those aches, pains and little knots apparently.
Can anyone help, I keep getting a stitch about half way through my run, always and don't know what the cause is. I try eating 3 hours before I go.

Btw my new trainers work I don't get shin splints anymore.

I get a sore back and a stich normally within the first k, goes away pretty quick though. Just run through it, if possible.
Oh my god...

I bought a foam roller and I'm using it to massage my left leg it band...

It is PAIN, apparently it is supposed to be painful if it's tight well mine must be about to snap because it's hideous!
Oh my god...

I bought a foam roller and I'm using it to massage my left leg it band...

It is PAIN, apparently it is supposed to be painful if it's tight well mine must be about to snap because it's hideous!

Sorry, missed your last post.

Yeah I use one, but that's because it's less messy than stabbing myself. Hurts like hell, so it must be doing good.
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Anyone have a pair of them lunarglide+ 2's?

I'm in the hunt for a new pair of running trainers and I've heard a few people recommend these?

Seems like the internet approves too...
Went for a 4mile run last night and not knee issues.

Seems like stretching/foam roller/and a few weeks of interval cross training have worked.

However my left calf is proper tight and the outside of my foot seems to be giving me jip now.... Not too much to worry about but I hope it doesn't get worse.

I really am thinking is it my trainers? I went to get a pair in December 09 from a specialist and ever since hammering the training in them I have had issues with my left leg.. first knee back in march/april.

Maybe it's my body getting used to all the training I started doing from last summer who knows.

I started running sort of in 2007 and I just bought off the shelf, no probs till I got some trainers properly.

Oh well, I'm doing alright now. I ran 1.5mile in 9:28 I think last week, will be doing a 1.5 timed run every week till basic and will keep plugging away at the cross training, with an occasional distance run in there for good measure :)

Hopefully I'll get to do some marathons one day
Anyone have a pair of them lunarglide+ 2's?

I'm in the hunt for a new pair of running trainers and I've heard a few people recommend these?

Seems like the internet approves too...

Still haven't fallen out of love with my 1064's yet. Most comfy shoe ever NAP :p
Ok guys,

An update,

I'm feeling confident enough to attempt a 10k soon, I regularly do a 7k around hyde park and on treadmills have aproached 10k although its a chore on run on those.

Anyways, I'm having issues with chafing in the groin (lol) and I think its because these running shorts have this wiremesh thing inside them which really hugs the crotch region. I think my boxers are getting tangled up with this.

So I've cut the mesh out in one of the shorts to see how it goes. Am i wearing the wrong clothes and what can I do to minimise this problem?

Ok guys,

An update,

I'm feeling confident enough to attempt a 10k soon, I regularly do a 7k around hyde park and on treadmills have aproached 10k although its a chore on run on those.

Anyways, I'm having issues with chafing in the groin (lol) and I think its because these running shorts have this wiremesh thing inside them which really hugs the crotch region. I think my boxers are getting tangled up with this.

So I've cut the mesh out in one of the shorts to see how it goes. Am i wearing the wrong clothes and what can I do to minimise this problem?


You wear boxers under your shorts.....

Go commando (not an option since you removed the mesh) or get some lycra. Also try something like bodyglide to help prevent the chaffing.
I've had nasty chaffing down there in the past - it's not nice.

I went with the lycra under-short option and all has been good. Decathlon do some well priced shorts - I've got two pairs plus two pairs of compression shorts (Skins and Linebreaks).

For outer shorts I just find some cheap baggies in SportsDirect. I think my current pairs were £3 each.
Quite helpful information regarding running attire and techniques, the balance is really improved by keeping these things in mind. It really helps in increasing the ability for what you're capable of.
You wear boxers under your shorts.....

Go commando (not an option since you removed the mesh) or get some lycra. Also try something like bodyglide to help prevent the chaffing.

I would feel a bit weird running commando in hyde park lol. I have other shorts with the mest intact though...

also lubing my balls in the changing rooms for the gym will draw some

Finally back running again after all my knee pallava. Just doing run walk intervals on the treadmill for now but physio reckons il be out on the streets in a month or so. Cant bloody wait!
I've had nasty chaffing down there in the past - it's not nice.

I went with the lycra under-short option and all has been good. Decathlon do some well priced shorts - I've got two pairs plus two pairs of compression shorts (Skins and Linebreaks).

For outer shorts I just find some cheap baggies in SportsDirect. I think my current pairs were £3 each.

i got some nike dry fit shorts with an inbuilt lycra type skin from tkmax the other day for about £9. Much prefer them to my ron hills.
Why is it when comparing running speeds, those with comparitively "long legs" don't see it as an advantage? :confused: They say there must be something wrong with my stride if I physically can't run as fast as them? :(
Did a 5mile run tonight a decent pace, reckon it was pushing 6mins miles.

I'm running in lunarglide + 2s now, so far 3runs, all 5mile under and they are a lot softer and seem much more comfortable than my previous running shoes.

Time will tell whether they are perfect :) but they seem really good and well cushioned. Very bright though ha

I'm thinking to myself how many runs can I do before I can declare my weird knee pain of April totally gone.

Since April I have gone on less than 12runs but done loads of cross training and recently started leg weight exercises and core strength exercises, I'm hoping its all be worth it and I can continue to run, probably not needing to be a massive distance yet but in the future I definitely want a few marathons
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