Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Well my running comeback finished almost as quickly as it started, went for a 7.5 mile hike and managed to run about half of it which wasn't bad for my unfit state. Only problem is that I couldn't walk the next day, the bottom of my left foot just feels like it's tearing when I walk and I can almost feel something twitching if I curl my foot! Hoping it goes away, I'm not going out the house over the weekend unless I have to so rest is the order of the day.

EDIT: Well looks like planar fasciitis so I'm just taking it easy as much as I can.
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well, it's getting better, up to about 3.5 miles in about 30/31 minutes. Not going to break any records but encouraging :)

just a progress report from an old fart :p

Longest run I've now done is just short of 10K, but did a 4.5 mile tonight in 37 minutes. Not hugely better than before but still going in the right direction. :)
I've had a really bad cold all week, but as I feel like it's going, I went on a 1.5 mile run before. Feel much better now after a shower. It took 13 mins to do the run, but I'm going to try going more often doing shorter runs rather than longer less frequent ones.
Went for a 4mile run last night and not knee issues.

Seems like stretching/foam roller/and a few weeks of interval cross training have worked.

However my left calf is proper tight and the outside of my foot seems to be giving me jip now.... Not too much to worry about but I hope it doesn't get worse.

I really am thinking is it my trainers? I went to get a pair in December 09 from a specialist and ever since hammering the training in them I have had issues with my left leg.. first knee back in march/april.

Maybe it's my body getting used to all the training I started doing from last summer who knows.

I started running sort of in 2007 and I just bought off the shelf, no probs till I got some trainers properly.

Oh well, I'm doing alright now. I ran 1.5mile in 9:28 I think last week, will be doing a 1.5 timed run every week till basic and will keep plugging away at the cross training, with an occasional distance run in there for good measure :)

Hopefully I'll get to do some marathons one day

you going for infantry then?
Thanks for the links regarding the warmup and cool-down stretches!

Never really knew what I should be stretching before going out, so that is very usefull information there.
Went for a 4mile run last night and not knee issues.

Seems like stretching/foam roller/and a few weeks of interval cross training have worked.

However my left calf is proper tight and the outside of my foot seems to be giving me jip now.... Not too much to worry about but I hope it doesn't get worse.

I really am thinking is it my trainers? I went to get a pair in December 09 from a specialist and ever since hammering the training in them I have had issues with my left leg.. first knee back in march/april.

Maybe it's my body getting used to all the training I started doing from last summer who knows.

I started running sort of in 2007 and I just bought off the shelf, no probs till I got some trainers properly.

Oh well, I'm doing alright now. I ran 1.5mile in 9:28 I think last week, will be doing a 1.5 timed run every week till basic and will keep plugging away at the cross training, with an occasional distance run in there for good measure :)

Hopefully I'll get to do some marathons one day

Come along to BMF in Cambridge, you can probably get a lift with the instructors. You get to meet the legendary Platypus™.
Hoping someone might be able to help me out here. I did the great south run yesterday and I was doing fine until about 8 miles (Just over 50 mins to 10km). Then my legs just died, I wasn't out of breath or feeling particularly bad, I just had zero energy in my legs (total time for the 10 miles was 1:39 :( )
I run at least 2 5kms a week and prior to the GSR had been doing a 12km as well. While running the GSR I had a bit of water at the stops, but didn't take anything else. Is what I hit likely to be a nutrition/hydration thing, or do I just need to practice running longer distances?
Hoping someone might be able to help me out here. I did the great south run yesterday and I was doing fine until about 8 miles (Just over 50 mins to 10km). Then my legs just died, I wasn't out of breath or feeling particularly bad, I just had zero energy in my legs (total time for the 10 miles was 1:39 :( )
I run at least 2 5kms a week and prior to the GSR had been doing a 12km as well. While running the GSR I had a bit of water at the stops, but didn't take anything else. Is what I hit likely to be a nutrition/hydration thing, or do I just need to practice running longer distances?

Mix of both, thats nearly double the total distance you have done.
Been putting it off for a couple of weeks now, but I'm going to start running tomorrow to compliment the rest of my cardio/weights routine

What's a good starting time/distance for a beginner that hasn't run a mile for a good 5 years or so ?

My plan atm is as so:

Mon:Weights + light cardio (Cross trainer)
Tuesday:Cardio (Heavy bag, bike, rower and cross trainer)
Weds:Weights + light cardio (Cross trainer)
Thursday:Cardio (Heavy bag, bike, rower and cross trainer)

And on like that basically, I'm planning to run in the mornings that I only do cardio, and limit it to the week, so this week I'll run twice and next week three times.

Is it best to run first thing or after breakfast ?

Cheers for any help :)
How many of you have tried running after a night out? I do NOT recommend it!

Work organise drinks etc starting thursday afternoon. Ah very good etc etc...but at 8oclock every friday morning we go for a run, usually about 4ish miles cross country.

I'll tell you what, I didn't enjoy that. :(
I personally seem to be able to run easier and further after a night on the lash. No idea why, maybe my mind is still not fully "with it" and hence I don't hit the mental barrier of wanting to stop as quick? :confused:

I regularly drive to the pub/mates house etc and leave my car. I then take a run over the following day and pick it up. Distance is anything from 2-3 miles.

As firstborn said - I feel better thinking I am running off the calories I went a bit OTT with.
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