I'll be up for playing this over the next few days, I'm dsx on Steam
Sent you an invite also!
I'll be up for playing this over the next few days, I'm dsx on Steam
@Bishie, that friend sounds like a right tool lol
Hello to Bishie and DSX, I'm about on discord just send me a message and chances are I'm up for a a laugh and a game.
Ingame and Steam name is Prattler.
added you guys on steam, if you dont mind? I am busy somedays (because working on VR things) but i'm always up for a bit of co-op without stress
Rasseru on steam, Lasselu on PUBG
Seconded. I'm terrible and there are always people willing to carry me around the map.get in the discord channel -pretty much always get a game from lunchtime to 2am!! All easy going games.
Are you all using voice when playing together? I ask because I'd like to play but often can't use the mic as people are in bed or wife is working in the office next to me.
yea mate, if you are grouping comms is an absolute must. you might get away with just having ears on in a 4 man squad at the start but if you end up down to 2 of you then you really need to be able to tell your team mate enemy contacts etcAre you all using voice when playing together? I ask because I'd like to play but often can't use the mic as people are in bed or wife is working in the office next to me.
Are you all using voice when playing together? I ask because I'd like to play but often can't use the mic as people are in bed or wife is working in the office next to me.
get the wife some ear plugs......comms are a must in squad play - no way you could do without it.
Are you all using voice when playing together? I ask because I'd like to play but often can't use the mic as people are in bed or wife is working in the office next to me.