Somewhat annoyed about the bars on windows in apartments. Trapped a few teams in the buildings without roof access. The front door section makes it almost impossible to push down properly without nades.
First win!

2 chicken dinners in one day, yay!
You greedy sod :p Managed a little win myself this evening, in between tending to a sick 2 year old and scrapping wallpaper off! Was only on the test server, so only 39 players started the game. Not that I care, 5 kills and a win made me smile,39 players or no!
Somewhat annoyed about the bars on windows in apartments. Trapped a few teams in the buildings without roof access. The front door section makes it almost impossible to push down properly without nades.
Aye they can be a mixed blessing, if you're inside firing out can be an arse but then again they do protect you to a certain extent from nades.
You greedy sod :p Managed a little win myself this evening, in between tending to a sick 2 year old and scrapping wallpaper off! Was only on the test server, so only 39 players started the game. Not that I care, 5 kills and a win made me smile,39 players or no!

So what if I said we just won another game, 3rd win in a single day...chicken all round :D
I keep seeing people here and on other forums talking about the NA servers being different/better, whats the reason for this ?

Lag comp and generally a smoother connection for some reason. I have a higher ping to NA but less packet loss and a more consistent ping. With EU I get some quite horrific ping spikes and occasional packet loss.
Bought this last night only had time for 1 game however I only killed 2 but lasted till 56 left, I also punched a guy to death and he had a crossbow and uzi and pistol Ammo so was great as he was getting some else so didn't notice me :)
After 150 hours I think I'll retire until the new maps are out, brilliant game for It's current stage but I can't play on that map again. I'm starting to know the terrain too well and it's becoming a little stale.
He insta killed me out of a car going along the military bridge lol. He was "testing" lol

I had to go to sleep anyway had to get up early today

I genuinely didn't think the shot would register as I had that little red dot thingy that indicates bullets wont hit. I await revenge at some point in a game when i've forgotten about this :D
What do you guys do if you first land in a town? I tend to loot 1 or 2 houses then camp, getting paranoid as **** hoping the circle will close in my favour...
What do you guys do if you first land in a town? I tend to loot 1 or 2 houses then camp, getting paranoid as **** hoping the circle will close in my favour...

Just keep making my way between houses. Chances are you'd have seen others drop so you know if you have to be more careful. If there are players then hunt them down in the hope they didn't see you.

Once town is clear/you're looted up then you can take a rest and camp :D.

(If you do see someone near you pick a two story close by shoot at said person then leg it up the stairs and camp)
Takes 2 presses of F to get in the cars but only a light press (in mistake of missing the D key) to jump out of the car at speed and die?

Done it a couple of times today.
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