Was there any sort of background update in last couple of days? I have had a few issues with game not loading back into the lobby a few times after round end but no crashes. But last night I had two consecutive crashes in middle of a game where it crashed to desktop then came up with option to send crash report (which i did). I have changed nothing on my PC, no settings changes or anything..

Seems they have stopped family sharing of PUBG through Steam with this patch. :(
Surprised they allowed it a all tbh
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Not my video, but this guy destroys the remaining top 15ish players with the AWM. We found one last night on a dead player, got very excited but faffed around looting for too long and got killed by the blue. Sorry Spartan :(

So what is the deal with this game? Is it still restricted to only being able to play on weekends?
I've only started playing recently, but if it was previously restricted to weekends that definitely isn't the case now. Discord is packed out most nights. It seems to be getting good developer support too, weekly smaller bug patches with monthly big gameplay patches.
Ah... I was told you could only find games at certain times. Never played a battle royale style game before but I know this is getting a lot of attention so i'm tempted to buy it and give it a go.
Best game in a long while, be stupid to miss it. Never have to wait for more than 1:30 secs before I am Skydiving into the map for another round of the most fun I have had in a game since BFBC2.
I've only played it a couple of times so I'm still learning but so far it's a really well put together game, there's a large player-base so you don't wait long before the map loads up.
I'm not particularly good at shooters so I don't tend to get higher than 20th place, but it's still fun to stalk across the map and panic with every sound you hear.

Not tried any duo/squad games yet.
Not my video, but this guy destroys the remaining top 15ish players with the AWM. We found one last night on a dead player, got very excited but faffed around looting for too long and got killed by the blue. Sorry Spartan :(

Haha reminds me of counter strike when i used to play back all them years!
Haha reminds me of counter strike when i used to play back all them years!

Not my video, but this guy destroys the remaining top 15ish players with the AWM. We found one last night on a dead player, got very excited but faffed around looting for too long and got killed by the blue. Sorry Spartan :(

top be fair - the first 5 are easy shots - all stationary targets, next set are all running in a straight line towards him. Not saying he's not impressive but every shot is pretty straight forward.
Not my video, but this guy destroys the remaining top 15ish players with the AWM. We found one last night on a dead player, got very excited but faffed around looting for too long and got killed by the blue. Sorry Spartan :(

Likely just be because I watched it on my phone but looked a tad suspect. Must watch later on the pc but he just seemed to be insta turning/scoping people??
I'm struggling with this game now. I've got 2 solo wins including one today where I killed 2 people. I spent about 5 minutes in the last circle absolutely still as I guessed it correctly. My issue is that I'm not seeing much action. I lose 1v1 duels or engagements almost every time and rarely see any action so it's difficult to improve.
I'm struggling with this game now. I've got 2 solo wins including one today where I killed 2 people. I spent about 5 minutes in the last circle absolutely still as I guessed it correctly. My issue is that I'm not seeing much action. I lose 1v1 duels or engagements almost every time and rarely see any action so it's difficult to improve.
Mate, you've got two solo wins more than me, you're doing fine ;)
I get the feeling you went into the game with the impression you'll hate it already in your mind. I don't really see how anyone could fail to understand the circle mechanics unless purposely being obtuse? One look at the map and it's incredibly apparent how it works. Same with the bombing zone.

Strange post.

Can you explain these mechanics it says the map is being reduced but I can still run around anywhere on the map so does the playing area actually reduce? Should I not get a count down to tell me I'm no longer in a playable area?

Whats the difference between the blue cap and the brown cap
Can you explain these mechanics it says the map is being reduced but I can still run around anywhere on the map so does the playing area actually reduce? Should I not get a count down to tell me I'm no longer in a playable area?

Whats the difference between the blue cap and the brown cap
OK, so after the plane has cleared the map you will see a white circle.
After the countdown on the bottom right of the screen you will see a blue circle slowly retract to the white circle.
If you are outside the blue circle you will take damage. The damage isn't a single hit, it chips away over time spent outside of the blue.
Once the blue circle reaches the white, it will stay still, and a new, smaller white circle will be generated somewhere inside the blue circle.
Again, a countdown until the blue circle contracts.
Eventually all remaining players are forced into a small geographical area, therefore eliminating long term camping or a stand off.

Also, the first time the circle contracts, the damage taken for being outside is minor. Each time the circle contracts the damage taken outside the blue is greater.
As for the 'caps', they are differing levels of armour.

Level 1 'motor cycle helmet' affords minimal protection. Level 2 (the brown one) gives more protection. There's also a pretty rare level 3 that affords yet more protection, and also a face covering, effectively eliminating any chance of a single headshot kill regardless of the weapon.

You also get three levels of body armour.

Then there are three levels of bag, but each increasing level simply allows more space to carry things and affords no protection.
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