won 1 solo tonight and came top 5 in 4 games on EU.... have found 3 spots that are so good for loot if i dont get gayed by someone at the start i usually do pretty well!

Asian servers are so fun.. everyone just rushes no tactics whatsoever lol
Been playing this for a few days now, man I suck.

Have gotten theee or four second place but I am absolutely terrible at any confrontations lol. Had a few good ones but I tend to comment off worse most of the time.

Need to work out what I'm doing wrong, am used to fps and never really played third person stuff, maybe I need to switch my view more.

Still it's all good fun, got a few spots I like to land and have had some nice kills :)

Tend to try and go with a UMP and some sort of rifle for longer ranges, managed to get an M24 and 15x scope in a crate which was fun.

Also need to get a mic as really want to try duos and squads but without a mic whilst I'll happily listen and follow direction I feel a little useless not being able to talk!
Been playing for a couple of weeks now and this game is immense fun, i did managed to come 1st for the first time yesterday in a random 4 man pub. Does anyone want to team up and play this?
Been playing for a couple of weeks now and this game is immense fun, i did managed to come 1st for the first time yesterday in a random 4 man pub. Does anyone want to team up and play this?

Join the OCUK Discord - loads of folk on to duo / squad with
Just got my first duo dinner...mainly play solo

Was a tense battle, but helped having others shooting other partners to give positions away :)

I do think this game is really good, cannot remember playing a game for this many hours on one map!
Got the 'drop' on some guy from distance. Didn't really need any loot but for some reason decided to run over and have look. The dude was only carrying an M249 and an awm and 2 8x scopes!!!!

Got to 5th then ballsed it all up. Somehow managed to attach an 8x to the m249 (onbeknownst to me!) guy came up behind me and I went to blast him (thinking I'd a red dot attached to the m249) needless to say an 8x scope at about 10metres doesn't work!! Rage!!
Gahh why is it taking so long to match games? Can be sitting there for ages waiting for people to join. Game doesnt seem to be getting less popular, still no.1 on the steam charts.
Gahh why is it taking so long to match games? Can be sitting there for ages waiting for people to join. Game doesnt seem to be getting less popular, still no.1 on the steam charts.
Been playing the past couple of hours and max wait time was about 1 minute for a game.
Been playing last few days.
It amazes me that I sneak around like a little bitch for most of the match, then either get a few kills or get killed.

Killing the rider with the luckiest ump shot in gaming history.

Made a few last 10 and even grabbed my first care package (Saw machine gun)

Not a great player, but the game is fun!
Please could those running a 1080 give me your average fps please?

Ive jusy upgraded to a 1080 but im still getting big drops in fps.

Im running in 1920x1080, low or medium settings, fps up to as high as 80-100 but frequent drops to 30-50 range.

Anyone else have something similar?

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