Runs pretty good for me also... 5820K and a 980Ti, 32Gb of RAM... I have everything on Ultra except a few things which are dialed down a little like Shadows which are only on High... I don't think it's too bad looking a game really, it looks pretty bad with everything set to low but fairly good on ultra
I must be to used to console graphics, but I tried lowering the settings to low with ultra draw distance and it still looked acceptable to me lol.
Just got my first solo Chicken Dinner after 13 hour play - I recorded the last 5 mins and I will upload it for you all to laugh at. I cant beleive how bad some of my play was in those last few minutes. I was bricking it though so that must have been why. :D

I finally got my first chicken dinner on solo this morning! It was such a satisfying feeling! Was shaking like mad afterwards! Such a tense game but so rewarding! :D
Just got my first solo Chicken Dinner after 13 hour play - I recorded the last 5 mins and I will upload it for you all to laugh at. I cant beleive how bad some of my play was in those last few minutes. I was bricking it though so that must have been why. :D

As promised here it is - I know that I make some really stupid decisions here, but the adrenaline was flowing. I knew the guy was behind that concrete hut at the start. :D

Recording yourself and watching it back is a great learning tool.

Very lucky win, I would suggest using the hotkeys for healing, saves those precious few seconds. Also gotta remember to use those boosts especially in the last 10.

Still well done nice last shot and a win is a win no matter how lucky you get :)
As promised here it is - I know that I make some really stupid decisions here, but the adrenaline was flowing. I knew the guy was behind that concrete hut at the start. :D

Recording yourself and watching it back is a great learning tool.

Damn that guy in the crap shack was a poor shot!! Lucky for you! Nice win all the same. Guy with the Kar at then end must have been raging!!
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