Smoke being client side is also a risky tactic as it doesn't always render for everyone. So many times I've heard the hiss of smoke but seen nothing followed by a player running towards me
Last few days I've just been plagued with network lag messages . Any tips on how to sort it out? Or am I just been unlucky and landing on crap servers. ( I tend to mix between EU and NA servers )
Last few days I've just been plagued with network lag messages . Any tips on how to sort it out? Or am I just been unlucky and landing on crap servers. ( I tend to mix between EU and NA servers )

Virgin Media?

Sadly chances are you can't do anything about it and will just have to wait for it to pass. I had a bad time with them a few weeks ago but resolved itself eventually.
Surprised myself yesterday, played 2 games. First we won stuck on a balcony as grenades came up every few seconds but just missed us, second game finished 2nd but we had really bad positioning on the last circle and they had the high ground.
Shot in the dark but I never found an answer. Are you able to use DVR when in full screen mode?

Yeah mine runs in full screen mode - it runs in the background and just does it's thing. It automatically starts recording when a game is run, and when you leave the game, you're presented with the app and you can save clips etc. Works really well in all of the games I've played since installing it.
Virgin Media?

Sadly chances are you can't do anything about it and will just have to wait for it to pass. I had a bad time with them a few weeks ago but resolved itself eventually.
Yep Virgin, tried a few DNS servers which seem to work for a few hours but then resorts back to lag-city. Usually results in every game ending with lag atm.
Anyone got this game running nice in 4k ? Tried it last night and it ran terrible ! even with the settings at Medium I could only get 40 FPS max on 1080ti ! I get well over 60 FPS ultra on BF1 - GTA5 & Witcher 3 NP ! Badly optimised ? Lets be honest its not like PUBG is really nice to look at , its nice but nothing special.
Can anyone with a bit more technical knowledge explain how large multiplayer games like PUBG work?

Like.. there are 100 characters sending data to a server, updating positing and inputs. Server side its calculating the implications of this and sending updates back to clients. But am I receiving full positional etc data on a player that is all the other way on the other side of the map? Or does it LOD in a way?
Can anyone with a bit more technical knowledge explain how large multiplayer games like PUBG work?

Like.. there are 100 characters sending data to a server, updating positing and inputs. Server side its calculating the implications of this and sending updates back to clients. But am I receiving full positional etc data on a player that is all the other way on the other side of the map? Or does it LOD in a way?
You get all of it. Probably less processing to just send it all rather than on a proximity basis. If you search PUBG ESP you'll see that you have access to all items, players, vehicles, etc across the map.

Yep Virgin, tried a few DNS servers which seem to work for a few hours but then resorts back to lag-city. Usually results in every game ending with lag atm.

Yeah I have issues with Virgin on and off. It seems to be when the game gets routed through the Ireland ingress. Seems to be a large amount of packet loss there when it happens.
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If any of you are with Virgin, there is a major latency/packet loss problem with all super hub 3 routers, i reckon if any of you are on there big gamer packages, you will have a super hub 3, its a problem with the intel chip in the router, there working on a firmware fix, but its all down to when virgin will roll it out and how quick, and no there aint no fix for it, other than go back to either super hub 1 or 2, like i did.
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If any of you are with Virgin, there is a major latency/packet loss problem with all super hub 3 routers, i reckon if any of you are on there big gamer packages, you will have a super hub 3, its a problem with the intel chip in the router, there working on a firmware fix, but its all down to when virgin will roll it out and how quick, and no there aint no fix for it, other than go back to either super hub 1 or 2, like i did.

thanks for this, was about to upgrade. Now I think not.
thanks for this, was about to upgrade. Now I think not.
Yeh dont, until at least a firmware update, and thats even if it can be fixed, just google or go to there broadband forums, loads of threads about it, i think some companys that use the intel chip in there routers for there broadband services, have already taken out law suits against them.
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