Bit of a weird response to the DrD banning thing.
I can see that it made a good PR stunt, wouldn't be entirely surprised if he was in on it from the start to highlight it to his followers, therefore encouraging fair play etc, and its only a temp ban anyway, the same as most games do these days.
The community reaction is quite weird though, some are saying its the end of the game if they ban people for TK's, or they should remove the ability to TK altogether which is just daft.
What is weird though is the way people are reacting to the tweet after, the one where DrD said he'd come and kick PU in the chest. PU responds with 'Suggesting violence is the best way to solve a disagreement is just wrong, even if you are playing a character...' which IMO is a fair point, theres no need for stuff like that over a game, and the entire community seems to be saying he's butthurt.
Not sure if its just childish comments or his twitch army getting all menstrual because they wont be able to watch him play for two days.