DrDispresect is good entertainment but he's not good for learning. I like is it Sacriel? member of the 42nd something or other. He actually teaches you how to become better. You can still learn stuff off the Doc but he's great entertainment. That wig and tash combo. It's all showmanship like Hulk Hogan in his prime.
DrDispresect is good entertainment but he's not good for learning. I like is it Sacriel? member of the 42nd something or other. He actually teaches you how to become better. You can still learn stuff off the Doc but he's great entertainment. That wig and tash combo. It's all showmanship like Hulk Hogan in his prime.

In fairness I've ended up watching his clips a few times purely for the entertainment factor. I laughed hard the first time I saw him get on a bike and his little corner window changed :D

Well, still, I mean that instead of a server just having to receive information about whether an avatar is standing/crouching/prone, direction of camera view etc.. its now a LOT more granular even if its just head and hands.

I'm sure the onward devs know more. Just interesting to think about.
In fairness I've ended up watching his clips a few times purely for the entertainment factor. I laughed hard the first time I saw him get on a bike and his little corner window changed :D


yeah he has a lot of stuff like that. he's absolutely hilarious. he has obviously spent a lot of time perfecting his act and costume. you need to watch his youtube video where he does a dance in front of a CGI bedroom with his logo everywhere. it was because he got 20 kills or something in H1Z1

it would be interesting to see how much he earns. bet it's around £200K a year. which is amazing for him
They did change the rules 3 days ago and added parts in regarding team killing, Dev's didn't make a big scream or shout to announce it however. Seeing his replies to the Dev on Twitter are purely pandering to his preteen rage inducing fanbase.
I've sent my 4K monitor back today I just think its overrated and not much better than 2k - sharper yes and thats about it.

Mine is actually a 40" Samsung 4K UHD HDR TV. And it is awesome to game at due to sheer size and the 4k keeps the quality.
They did change the rules 3 days ago and added parts in regarding team killing, Dev's didn't make a big scream or shout to announce it however. Seeing his replies to the Dev on Twitter are purely pandering to his preteen rage inducing fanbase.

Team killing rules have been there for weeks, a lot of people have already been banned for it, this is just the first big name to get a ban.
Bit of a weird response to the DrD banning thing.

I can see that it made a good PR stunt, wouldn't be entirely surprised if he was in on it from the start to highlight it to his followers, therefore encouraging fair play etc, and its only a temp ban anyway, the same as most games do these days.

The community reaction is quite weird though, some are saying its the end of the game if they ban people for TK's, or they should remove the ability to TK altogether which is just daft.

What is weird though is the way people are reacting to the tweet after, the one where DrD said he'd come and kick PU in the chest. PU responds with 'Suggesting violence is the best way to solve a disagreement is just wrong, even if you are playing a character...' which IMO is a fair point, theres no need for stuff like that over a game, and the entire community seems to be saying he's butthurt.

Not sure if its just childish comments or his twitch army getting all menstrual because they wont be able to watch him play for two days.
He killed another streamer i think, so the fanbase reported him. Temp ban, good to publicise the rule, but its like teaming - for the normal player something that might be dealt with at some point maybe.
He killed another streamer i think, so the fanbase reported him. Temp ban, good to publicise the rule, but its like teaming - for the normal player something that might be dealt with at some point maybe.

Teaming is being dealt with and has been since day one, you just need iron clad evidence of it. I recorded myself in solo following a couple of sets of people clearly teaming and got a message about 2 weeks after submitting it saying they had received a ban. I killed them too in the vid which was more satisfying.
I don't see wha the fuss is about, DrD was a tit, justice was served and his fans got butthurt.

In other news:

"hey. i kill my team always in squad. Try find me and ban in your game. suckers."

" That wasn't hard at all! Thanks for the info, and enjoy your ban!"


Its was the comment after thats got them all riled up, DrD albeit jokingly threatens PU with a kick to the chest, PU says grow up, RL isn't smacktalk in a game, and cue the barrage of tweets to PU accusing him of victim culture, being a pansy, and that he shouldnt have made a game containing killing if he didnt want to be threatened on twitter.

Just sums up my opinion of twitch, full of kiddies and an army of fanboys. Just STFU and play the damn game.
Its all quite laughable yes rules are rules but on the other hand feeling threatened by someone RPing a fake character is a bit of a joke.
Its all quite laughable yes rules are rules but on the other hand feeling threatened by someone RPing a fake character is a bit of a joke.

Point still stands, if i say on here I'm going to find you and punch you in the face am I playing a character or being serious? Because from the mentality of some of his followers they seem to think thats acceptable.

It isn't. Its a ****ing game.

The ban was because of the rules, not the daft comments after. Is it still laughable for the one guy who might take a threat seriously? Not saying that PU did but someone might.
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