Its all quite laughable yes rules are rules but on the other hand feeling threatened by someone RPing a fake character is a bit of a joke.

Exactly, worse happens in music and movies... at least this guy is clearly a parody and is understood quite clearly to be so. It's no portrayed in a serious manner. News outlets are clutching at straws to turn it into "aww how sweet he's a nice human" so it's good publicity for him anyway.

On a side note, been soloing far too much. Did we have an influx of noobs? I had been playing squad games on the NA servers as I was finding they were always really helpful and good to communicate with. Since the weekend I've hardly had anyone talk and the jump in seriously stupid spots and spread apart... ugh. I best announce myself on the Discord instead, but I'm always too late and miss the free slots haha.
Ive been team killed quite a lot over the last few nights, on purpose to take my gear off me. Good to see they are clamping down on it.
Dont want this game to turn into one big troll zone.
haha if you watch him he says stuff like in the tweets all the time its part of the show people take it for real lol.he will probably get another 10,000 subscribers this week because of the stunt.he played it well.
Ive been team killed quite a lot over the last few nights, on purpose to take my gear off me. Good to see they are clamping down on it.
Dont want this game to turn into one big troll zone.

I did it once, for the first time last sat. Kwango disconnected and had to reboot his PC, so couldnt rejoin, he had loads of stuff we needed and his char was just headbutting a door. Felt bad but wasn't to ruin his game.

haha if you watch him he says stuff like in the tweets all the time its part of the show people take it for real lol.he will probably get another 10,000 subscribers this week because of the stunt.he played it well.

So he's just a **** all the time then, nice. no one took it for real, PU just told him basically to stop being a ***** because its not a joke to everybody like it is to you. He didn't play it at all he was just doing what a twitch streamer does, stupid stuff to get attention.

Before I get accused of jealousy don't get me wrong, I'd sort of love to do what they do, bar the effort involved. but I'm an adult, I could never act up to get kids to like me like the majority. Just look at Jingles, plays like an adult, commentates like an adult and gets the respect that deserves, thats my kind of streamer.

Its mainly why I'm selective of the people I play the game with, I know they won't act up and do silly **** to get viewers, and thanks to the guys that joined our 3 for last weekends games, because thats exactly the players we got.
he's having a laugh. he may actually be like that in person too. just he goes OTT because he has to. if he didn't have that wig, ridiculous tash and costume as well as his little gifs and gags he wouldn't be as successful. It's like Lady Gaga look at her before she was famous and before she created Gaga. She had to create a personality to become rich and famous and so has this guy.

This guy cannot break character online, that includes twitter, etc. I think the developer is going down the wrong route calling him out for being a ****. It's literally his job to be one.

personally I'd love to join his squad for a few games. would be a right laugh. i play to win but I also play to have a laugh. if my teammate dies in a duo at the start i'll go in kamikaze just so he doesn't have to watch me for 30 minutes because of an unlucky jump.
he's having a laugh. he may actually be like that in person too. just he goes OTT because he has to. if he didn't have that wig, ridiculous tash and costume as well as his little gifs and gags he wouldn't be as successful. It's like Lady Gaga look at her before she was famous and before she created Gaga. She had to create a personality to become rich and famous and so has this guy.

This guy cannot break character online, that includes twitter, etc. I think the developer is going down the wrong route calling him out for being a ****. It's literally his job to be one.

personally I'd love to join his squad for a few games. would be a right laugh. i play to win but I also play to have a laugh. if my teammate dies in a duo at the start i'll go in kamikaze just so he doesn't have to watch me for 30 minutes because of an unlucky jump.

So if I get a big enough twitch following I can be as much of a nob both to my team mates and online as I want without having to fear criticism?

As has been said on twitter, PUBG has made streamers, not the other way around. I don't watch them, I'd rather play because its fun.
personally I'd love to join his squad for a few games. would be a right laugh.

for about 5 minutes it'd be a laugh. that type of juvenile/purile 'comedy' would get old real quick if you were in an actual game with him. same with the stone mountain guy - funny to watch on youtube. you sitting in a game listening to that **** over the mic constantly - you're going to be muting them pretty sharpish.

edit: I should note I'm assuming your not 14! if you are, then in that case, you'll love playing games with him:p
So if I get a big enough twitch following I can be as much of a nob both to my team mates and online as I want without having to fear criticism?

As has been said on twitter, PUBG has made streamers, not the other way around. I don't watch them, I'd rather play because its fun.

thing is afaik he has only teamkilled once. he's normally very good with his teammates. it was a one off for a laugh. he doesn't go around doing his teammates over every game. the opposite actually. sometimes he talks trash sometimes he does something different.

go watch the video where he plays a full game pretending to be a noob. he's speaking in a little childs voice. pretending he just got the game and trying to get the guy to do stuff and the guy thinks no your a noob i know better than you. it's a hilarious video. the guy won't even let him drive or go where he asks, etc. he's telling the guy look heres a gun i think you should take it and the guy just leaves it. he tries to get him a vest, etc and he ignores it too.they run into a trashtalker in game and he switches back to himself for 5 seconds then back to the little child again asking what just happened there and the other guy is completely oblivious to what is going on.

also I would say they go hand in hand. your wrong that PUBG has made streamers. streamers are huge free advertising for developers. Dr Disrespekt has been streaming for a while before even PUBG was a game, he was already famous before he started playing PUBG. He had a huge following on H1Z1 and then transferred over to PUBG. When he did so he likely got the developer a few hundred thousand sales. he has made that developer a lot richer. they both need each other. he could quite easily stop playing and switch to another game and take his fanbase with him.
I had a look at the PUBG page for reporting team killing, you're never going to get banned for killing your squad mates by accident or as a bit of messing about. (puppetmaster ;) ) You have to submit a decent sized video so they can see the context of the kill, you can't just submit the kill itself.
thing is afaik he has only teamkilled once. he's normally very good with his teammates. it was a one off for a laugh. he doesn't go around doing his teammates over every game. the opposite actually. sometimes he talks trash sometimes he does something different.

go watch the video where he plays a full game pretending to be a noob. he's speaking in a little childs voice. pretending he just got the game and trying to get the guy to do stuff and the guy thinks no your a noob i know better than you. it's a hilarious video. the guy won't even let him drive or go where he asks, etc.

also I would say they go hand in hand. your wrong that PUBG has made streamers. streamers are huge free advertising for developers. Dr Disrespekt has been streaming for a while before even PUBG was a game, he was already famous before he started playing PUBG. He had a huge following on H1Z1 and then transferred over to PUBG. When he did so he likely got the developer a few hundred thousand sales. he has made that developer a lot richer. they both need each other. he could quite easily stop playing and switch to another game and take his fanbase with him.

IMO the game was made without streamers, would have taken longer to get to where it is now, but 95% of people I play with don't bother watching this kind of crap and bought the game anyway.

Yeah he might have only teamkilled once, but for what reason. Again I think the original reason was staged to gain awareness, one of the only useful functions of twitch.

I cannot fathom watching an entire game of a grown man pretending to be a noob child for lols, thats 45 mins of my life im never going to get back so i'll give it a miss thanks.
for about 5 minutes it'd be a laugh. that type of juvenile/purile 'comedy' would get old real quick if you were in an actual game with him. same with the stone mountain guy - funny to watch on youtube. you sitting in a game listening to that **** over the mic constantly - you're going to be muting them pretty sharpish.

edit: I should note I'm assuming your not 14! if you are, then in that case, you'll love playing games with him:p

i've only watched a few vids of him i don't watch him streaming. the vids show the best bits.

i like how he goes into buildings and uses proximity chat. a really good example of this was done by some irish guy. he thinks someone is upstairs in a building so he runs up to the door and goes "knock knock", "housekeeping", "i'm coming in to change the sheets". the other guy also uses proximity chat back to him, was a hilarious exchange for around 2 mins before he finally kills him.
IMO the game was made without streamers, would have taken longer to get to where it is now, but 95% of people I play with don't bother watching this kind of crap and bought the game anyway.

Yeah he might have only teamkilled once, but for what reason. Again I think the original reason was staged to gain awareness, one of the only useful functions of twitch.

I cannot fathom watching an entire game of a grown man pretending to be a noob child for lols, thats 45 mins of my life im never going to get back so i'll give it a miss thanks.

he's a comedian. fair enough if you don't like comedy. he killed the guy because there was 4 of them and they only had a bike. only 3 people can get on a bike. so he was like you know what you have to die. he was playing up to his internet persona.

it was a joke. your looking into this far too much. it wasn't staged at all. was spur of the moment for the lols. had they found a car he wouldn't have killed him.

like i said before if you want to learn how to get better you can do that by watching sacriel i think his name is. dr disrespekt is a aggressive player who likes to have a laugh. why else would he do the funny stuff he does. I personally can't stand KSI and don't think he's funny but this guy from the few videos i have watched is quite entertaining. it's obvious he's putting it on thick but that what makes it even funnier.
go watch the video where he plays a full game pretending to be a noob. he's speaking in a little childs voice. pretending he just got the game and trying to get the guy to do stuff and the guy thinks no your a noob i know better than you. it's a hilarious video. the guy won't even let him drive or go where he asks, etc. he's telling the guy look heres a gun i think you should take it and the guy just leaves it. he tries to get him a vest, etc and he ignores it too.they run into a trashtalker in game and he switches back to himself for 5 seconds then back to the little child again asking what just happened there and the other guy is completely oblivious to what is going on.
I know everyone finds different things funny but as I posted earlier for me that would get real boring real quick. I couldn't watch that for more than 5 mins or so.
he's a comedian. fair enough if you don't like comedy. he killed the guy because there was 4 of them and they only had a bike. only 3 people can get on a bike. so he was like you know what you have to die. he was playing up to his internet persona.

it was a joke. your looking into this far too much. it wasn't staged at all. was spur of the moment for the lols. had they found a car he wouldn't have killed him.

like i said before if you want to learn how to get better you can do that by watching sacriel i think his name is. dr disrespekt is a aggressive player who likes to have a laugh. why else would he do the funny stuff he does. I personally can't stand KSI and don't think he's funny but this guy from the few videos i have watched is quite entertaining. it's obvious he's putting it on thick but that what makes it even funnier.

I like comedy when its funny.

Like I said, its not about the TK. its then going onto twitter saying im going to kick you in the chest for banning me.
Then the dev saying 'hey, thats not ok, this happened to me in college and it was a pretty **** experience, words mean stuff outside of the game too'.

And then his followers chiming in with 'too bad you didnt die when youre buddy beat your ***'

But I guess they all find it funny so thats ok...
it was a joke. your looking into this far too much. it wasn't staged at all. was spur of the moment for the lols. had they found a car he wouldn't have killed him.

Correct. Watched it as it happened. (Joys of 3 monitors at work). Too much has been made out of it tbh.
he's a comedian. fair enough if you don't like comedy. he killed the guy because there was 4 of them and they only had a bike. only 3 people can get on a bike. so he was like you know what you have to die. he was playing up to his internet persona.

it was a joke. your looking into this far too much. it wasn't staged at all. was spur of the moment for the lols. had they found a car he wouldn't have killed him.

like i said before if you want to learn how to get better you can do that by watching sacriel i think his name is. dr disrespekt is a aggressive player who likes to have a laugh. why else would he do the funny stuff he does. I personally can't stand KSI and don't think he's funny but this guy from the few videos i have watched is quite entertaining. it's obvious he's putting it on thick but that what makes it even funnier.

Yes he's putting it on and it's his persona, but that doesn't give him a free pass to ignore the rules. Playerunknown has been very vocal in his statements that Streamers will get no special treatment as in many games streamers are allowed to get away with blatant and obvious hacking, and generally being disruptive because they get views, PU has all along said this is BS and it will not be tolerated in this game.
I know everyone finds different things funny but as I posted earlier for me that would get real boring real quick. I couldn't watch that for more than 5 mins or so.

yeah everyone has different tastes. he gets tens of thousands of people watching him which isn't an easy thing to do. so he's catering to a market very well.

i don't watch his streams. just a few videos on youtube. i've seen him stream once just to see how he plays and i learned a few tricks off him. like how he opens doors and fakes entry, wall bangs and baits people. he's a really good player, very aggressive. how and where he chooses to park his vehicle when he's being shot so he has cover to take the guy out
he did it for them they know about it its a media event.anyone who thinks it wasnt planned is a bit need to get mad about it.he knew what he was doing so did the pubg team.they got people talking about it. more will buy the game more will watch dr because of it.its win win for both of them.many who dont realize how big this guy is hes massive on twitch not some guy with a few views he earns mega money.hes one of the biggest twitch streamers on the it out.its just media not real life.

he acts like he does to entertain.he is one of the most popular people on twitch.its works.he wasnt being nasty he says stuff like in the twitch to everyone.its the act ,the character.

people dont realize how the big streamers like him summit and others can make a game a instant success . its not all down to them but when those big streamers lock in and big youtubers it transforms your sales.more than any other media promotion for next to no cost.people should thank them.not go against them.

when anything like this happens just think is it a benefit to the game or anything being promoted.youll find if its big it is.
If any of you are with Virgin, there is a major latency/packet loss problem with all super hub 3 routers, i reckon if any of you are on there big gamer packages, you will have a super hub 3, its a problem with the intel chip in the router, there working on a firmware fix, but its all down to when virgin will roll it out and how quick, and no there aint no fix for it, other than go back to either super hub 1 or 2, like i did.
Ah man! I'm still on the super hub 2 and get loads of lag. Hopefully it'll improve soon.
I like comedy when its funny.

Like I said, its not about the TK. its then going onto twitter saying im going to kick you in the chest for banning me.
Then the dev saying 'hey, thats not ok, this happened to me in college and it was a pretty **** experience, words mean stuff outside of the game too'.

And then his followers chiming in with 'too bad you didnt die when youre buddy beat your ***'

But I guess they all find it funny so thats ok...

i didn't know any of that. like i've said i'm not his number 1 fan or anything. i've just watched a few vids and him live stream once for a little while. i don't follow him on twitter or anything.

he cannot be held responsible for his followers. they are their own people. KSI has the same a really obnoxious following too. he's made millions out of it. he drives a lambo, etc. he also cannot call them out either as he has to live up to his internet persona. your taking this far too seriously. he teamkilled some guy for a laugh. he then got banned and then told the developer he would kick him in the chest for doing so. it was all a joke. the developer IMO is being just as egotistical yet he's not putting it on like the Dr is.

what he said about kicking in the chest was a joke. a pretty obvious one too. it's not as if he would actually do that. it's like how he goes on about him being 6 foot 8, 2 time world champion, etc. i don't know if he is or not i'm assuming he just made that up as it's part of his persona and it's funny how he goes on about it.
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