The only PUBG streamer I've watched from time to time is Last Grey Wolf.
Austin does groan when he gets killed but I've not seen him go over the top or have a meltdown over a steam sniper... most of the time he tends to ask his chat to clip it so he can see what happened, then after watching it back he usually accepts it and moves on.
Streamers that moan about sniping should just put a 2 min delay on their feed. Problem solved.

That seems like a terrible idea. How is a streamer supposed to interact with his/her audience if there's a 2 minute delay?

Thats a **** move by the devs.

Onus is on you as the streamer to put a 5-10-20 min delay in so this kind of thing doesn't happen.

Just proves again that streamers rule what happens in this game.
Is 5 seconds enough? Even 20 seconds seems a bit high if you're trying to have a conversation (or at least respond to people/someone).

It must be my age but I find it bizarre that the attitude is "I'm going to cheat unless you stop me".
"I'm going to do something ****** to you and it's your fault for not stopping me".

If I hear about a stabbing in the news my reaction isn't that the victim should've been wearing a stab proof vest if they didn't want to be stabbed. I think it's perfectly understandable to expect to not be stabbed. Also seems reasonable to me that you shouldn't have to expect to be stream sniped just because you're not putting in a delay.

Maybe the PUBG community is just toxic and full of nasty people. That's sort of how it's seeming if stream sniping is seen as acceptable and a company/game having rules against it is seen as such a bad thing!
That seems like a terrible idea. How is a streamer supposed to interact with his/her audience if there's a 2 minute delay?

Is 5 seconds enough? Even 20 seconds seems a bit high if you're trying to have a conversation (or at least respond to people/someone).

It must be my age but I find it bizarre that the attitude is "I'm going to cheat unless you stop me".
"I'm going to do something ****** to you and it's your fault for not stopping me".

If I hear about a stabbing in the news my reaction isn't that the victim should've been wearing a stab proof vest if they didn't want to be stabbed. I think it's perfectly understandable to expect to not be stabbed. Also seems reasonable to me that you shouldn't have to expect to be stream sniped just because you're not putting in a delay.

Maybe the PUBG community is just toxic and full of nasty people. That's sort of how it's seeming if stream sniping is seen as acceptable and a company/game having rules against it is seen as such a bad thing!

Half of the streamers don't interact with their chat whilst playing anyway, they'll pick the odd comment out of chat every so often, mostly it's calling out donations 24/7. Only time I see them actively look at their chat is when they are pinned and not sure where the shots are coming from which gives them an advantage over people who aren't streaming and have 20k+ people playing guardian angel for them.
Maybe the PUBG community is just toxic and full of nasty people. That's sort of how it's seeming if stream sniping is seen as acceptable and a company/game having rules against it is seen as such a bad thing!

Same as every game community. Regardless there should be a need for proof rather than a streamers word. If all is needed is to call someone a stream sniper like in this case then we're going to have an awful lot of people banned for no reason.

Side note: in a few days I will be releasing a streamer ESP it will colour them in red anywhere on the map. When in rage of streamers the inbuilt trigger bot will prevent you from firing. Best way to avoid a 7 day ban for only £10 month. Taking preorders.
If streamers play on public servers they will meet players who are better or just better organised than them. They deserve what they get. They're no different to any other player.

We don't stream snipe in bf1, but we end up crossing horns with them. They can leave or play. Their choice.
Maybe the PUBG community is just toxic and full of nasty people. That's sort of how it's seeming if stream sniping is seen as acceptable and a company/game having rules against it is seen as such a bad thing!

Well its a 6million strong community that gets 400K concurrent players so yes its bound to have a fair share of morons in it. Stream sniping isn't acceptable and its fine to have rules against it. What is bad though is when there is zero due process in establishing if something like that actually happened (and all the evidence suggests is didn't) before they start issuing bans. PUBG streamers are notorious for crying stream snipe when they die and when they have 20k - 30K sycophantic viewers confirming it to them and then reporting the players that kill them then something has gone quite wrong IMHO.
That seems like a terrible idea. How is a streamer supposed to interact with his/her audience if there's a 2 minute delay?

Is 5 seconds enough? Even 20 seconds seems a bit high if you're trying to have a conversation (or at least respond to people/someone).

It must be my age but I find it bizarre that the attitude is "I'm going to cheat unless you stop me".
"I'm going to do something ****** to you and it's your fault for not stopping me".

If I hear about a stabbing in the news my reaction isn't that the victim should've been wearing a stab proof vest if they didn't want to be stabbed. I think it's perfectly understandable to expect to not be stabbed. Also seems reasonable to me that you shouldn't have to expect to be stream sniped just because you're not putting in a delay.

Maybe the PUBG community is just toxic and full of nasty people. That's sort of how it's seeming if stream sniping is seen as acceptable and a company/game having rules against it is seen as such a bad thing!
Don't put in a delay. Just get on with it. Tough luck if someone manages to get in the same game as you and tracks you down. They want the help of their audience when it suits but don't want sniped? Can't have it both ways. If you want to stream, either live with it or go play a racing game.

And please, it's nothing like getting stabbed!? Weird comparison! Though I wouldn't mind stabbing a couple of those crying ****wit streamers! Lol

Edit: just to add. There's nothing wrong with having the rule and enforcing it but it's virtually impossible to prove therefore enforcing it fairly and correctly is virtually impossible.
If streamers play on public servers they will meet players who are better or just better organised than them. They deserve what they get. They're no different to any other player.
+ 1

Too many call foul play when they get headshotted after standing in a field shooting 20 un-suppressed Kar98 shots. The witch-hunt that some of the viewers go on should be a ban-able offence IMO
+ 1

Too many call foul play when they get headshotted after standing in a field shooting 20 un-suppressed Kar98 shots. The witch-hunt that some of the viewers go on should be a ban-able offence IMO

In the last 2 weeks I've taken the tags of MrProWestie, smashed and then carried Squid and Wheezy, won a game against a player Marbleduck describes as "The only top tier competitive player I know who regularly plays bf1", and kicked the head of EA servers Europe out of our squad to make room for an OcUK regular. We don't stream snipe, and we don't talk **** in chat, we just play public servers (and the DICE FNB servers). It's a game, we play to win, but there's no malice or stalking involved.
I had to read the reddit thread to work out what stream sniping is. I just can't work out how you could prove anyone is sniping, only way I guess is if the sniper was also streaming, but then would you get people sniping the sniper! lol.
In the last 2 weeks I've taken the tags of MrProWestie, smashed and then carried Squid and Wheezy, won a game against a player Marbleduck describes as "The only top tier competitive player I know who regularly plays bf1", and kicked the head of EA servers Europe out of our squad to make room for an OcUK regular. We don't stream snipe, and we don't talk **** in chat, we just play public servers (and the DICE FNB servers). It's a game, we play to win, but there's no malice or stalking involved.

hope that isnt me :D
I have had two or three dodgy moments recently. Just now I was on the second floor at the Pool room, next to the school. I was ready to roll, silenced A.K., prone, keeping eyes on a LandRover. Enjoying the calm after the initial *** and tension of a fairly busy school start. I had heard at least a couple of guys head off out from the school after the gunfights and looting. Then I hear this guy come along doing the weirdest running around my building, it was as if he was trying to bait me out; went on for a good minute. Then he goes onto school roof, I can hear him again running near me, never showing himself to my prone viewing position, though I can tell he is not bothered about a million other possible angles he is exposing himself to.
Anyway I keep the one and only portion of roof he can get to see me, in the center of my screen. I am ready. I mean despite his dubious maneuvers, I was not expecting such a brazen, prefire peek to my head. He gave me no time to react what soever to the three pixels, he revealed. Guess he was taking no chances.

Call be naive, though I was kind of expecting amazingness on all levels from Mr Green with this masterpiece and that he could even keep it hack free.

I still believe he can. Can he not sue companies like this for damages? The more people eperience these things could really hurt this game.
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I had to read the reddit thread to work out what stream sniping is. I just can't work out how you could prove anyone is sniping, only way I guess is if the sniper was also streaming, but then would you get people sniping the sniper! lol.

Reminds me of this steam review :p

I have had two or three dodgy moments recently. Just now I was on the second floor at the Pool room, next to the school. I was ready to roll, silenced A.K., prone, keeping eyes on a LandRover. Enjoying the calm after the initial *** and tension of a fairly busy school start. I had heard at least a couple of guys head off out from the school after the gunfights and looting. Then I hear this guy come along doing the weirdest running around my building, it was as if he was trying to bait me out; went on for a good minute. Then he goes onto school roof, I can hear him again running near me, never showing himself to my prone viewing position, though I can tell he is not bothered about a million other possible angles he is exposing himself to.
Anyway I keep the one and only portion of roof he can get to see me, in the center of my screen. I am ready. I mean despite his dubious maneuvers, I was not expecting such a brazen, prefire peek to my head. He gave me no time to react what soever to the three pixels, he revealed. Guess he was taking no chances.

Call be naive, though I was kind of expecting amazingness on all levels from Mr Green with this masterpiece and that he could even keep it hack free.

I still believe he can. Can he not sue companies like this for damages? The more people eperience these things could really hurt this game.

Hello Naïve :p

no online game is ever going to be hack free. the sewer rats will always find a way to hack a game.

though to be fair those in that video don't look overly obvious?!
Cheats aren't going anywhere. BE has blocked and hooked the majority of ways in but there are some they can't touch.

Unless game companies can find a way of making cheats unprofitable there will always be people working to defeat anti cheat.
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