Oh dear this isn't setting good precedence if a 'popular streamer' can cry stream snipe and they get people banned without any proof.

TL;DR Friend unknowingly kills shroud and get a 7-day ban for the "stream snipe."

As the title says my friend (IGN Lotoe) is banned now for allegedly stream sniping shroud. Before, a duo was tossing grenades into the room they were in and ended up killing summit. The dude was saying he loved their stream and whatnot. 2 minutes later my friend encounters shroud and kills him. So they assume Lotoe was stream sniping and his viewers jump straight to reporting him. Really unfair to my friend as he was banned for killing a popular streamer. We didn't even know he was in the game until we noticed the names in the killfeed and thought it was pretty cool, but this is just unacceptable.



Edit 1:
Additional Proof

Ban Screenshot:

Lotoe PMing Discord Mod:

Shroud's death:
Cheers for the games last night thekwango really enjoyed the squad group up but it did show how utterly useless I am at the game :)

Still only have 12 hours at it though. Should be around at the weekend if you are.
Oh dear this isn't setting good precedence if a 'popular streamer' can cry stream snipe and they get people banned without any proof.

That's dodgy AF.

I also wondered how they could really go ahead with the "stream sniping" argument. Sure, it's sort of(?) cheating, but if someone's stupid enough to stream where they are in game, it's their own fault.
But on the other side of things, you see streamers being told by team mates that are spectating, due to being dead, on Discord or similar when they see another player in game. That too is also cheating, so can that be reported too? o0
Cheers for the games last night thekwango really enjoyed the squad group up but it did show how utterly useless I am at the game :)

Still only have 12 hours at it though. Should be around at the weekend if you are.

no problem buddy. we nearly had the duo win only I gungho'd it and got clipped with 6 players left! yea squadding is good fun.
That's dodgy AF.

I also wondered how they could really go ahead with the "stream sniping" argument. Sure, it's sort of(?) cheating, but if someone's stupid enough to stream where they are in game, it's their own fault.
But on the other side of things, you see streamers being told by team mates that are spectating, due to being dead, on Discord or similar when they see another player in game. That too is also cheating, so can that be reported too? o0

It's the go to excuse, oh I'm streaming so anytime I'm killed it must be a sniper, if only there was something you could do stop this like say delay your stream by a short period.

They can't have it both ways imo, using the viewers to help pin point shots when they don't know where it's coming from or asking if someone they previously looted had a 8x scope on them cause they don't want to run back and all that jazz.
I saw that earlier. That Summit is a whining **** isn't he! It was two groups too.

I like this game but can't help but feel Bluehole really need to get a grip, quick.
Won't happen as they are obsessed with trying to turn this into a E sports title which won't work whilst it's still buggy as hell and requires more luck on where you land and the loot being decent.

No one will want to watch a 'grand final' where one team is fully decked out and the other team have melee weapons as the loot wasn't good.
do they anything in the t&c's of the game about suspensions for suspected 'stream sniping' btw how the **** is that even a thing to the point it has it's own name. you don't want someone to track your in game position? don't ******* stream. if you do wanna stream, grow a set and be a man. dude in the clip sounded like he was about to have his period!

I'd love to stream snipe :p
Some streamers really need to chill when they get outgunned, so many of them try to look for every excuse in the book when they get killed.
You could be the best player in the world and still get killed by a lucky shot from a random player...
do they anything in the t&c's of the game about suspensions for suspected 'stream sniping' btw how the **** is that even a thing to the point it has it's own name. you don't want someone to track your in game position? don't ******* stream. if you do wanna stream, grow a set and be a man. dude in the clip sounded like he was about to have his period!

I'd love to stream snipe :p

Not on steams EULA/T&C or wtf they're calling it, but they sneaked a "rest of our rules are on our site & subject to change" & that's where the rules are hidden.
Thats a **** move by the devs.

Onus is on you as the streamer to put a 5-10-20 min delay in so this kind of thing doesn't happen.

Just proves again that streamers rule what happens in this game.
Not on steams EULA/T&C or wtf they're calling it, but they sneaked a "rest of our rules are on our site & subject to change" & that's where the rules are hidden.
Have they a specific rule buried in there though that covers this? I.e. 'If you are suspected of stream sniping you may face a suspension/ban' ?
PUBG Rules of Conduct

We ask you to follow these Rules of Conduct while playing PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS and participating on our platforms. Please note, these may change from time to time, so it’s worth checking back periodically.

Ignorance of the rules does not excuse a violation of them. Violations may result in a temporary suspension or a permanent ban.

These rules are neither final nor exhaustive – we reserve the right to suspend disruptive users even if their behaviour doesn’t fall under any of the above rules directly. Be nice, play fair and respect others and yourself.

What even counts as "disruptive"? Seems like they're covering all bases :/
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They can't have it both ways imo, using the viewers to help pin point shots when they don't know where it's coming from or asking if someone they previously looted had a 8x scope on them cause they don't want to run back and all that jazz.
which in itself is surely a form of cheating/exploiting - wonder if we all jumped onto shroud's twitch stream and waiting for him to do this then mass reported him would he get a ban?

No one will want to watch a 'grand final' where one team is fully decked out and the other team have melee weapons as the loot wasn't good.
would never happen like that. they'll tweak the loot spawns for esports. even if they don't tweak it there's plenty of space and time to loot more than just melee weapons
ahhh lmao - just watched about 5 mins of Grimmz (I think?) got pumped and then started crying about kill horning?! Ganging up on the streamer - boohoo. then started saying ohh if I had an 8x scope, ohh I woulda, ohh I man.....

no you wouldn't I just watched it and you were shooting like a ******* turkey.

starting to think that half these clowns you take them out of their custom servers and they are *****.

edit: next jump he lands on roof of building at Quarry. 3 guys total. he and another peg it off down the stairs, grimmz takes a couple of fresh air punches at the guys back. guy grabs m16, grimmz continues running. guys chases him down and kills him - we all have doen that and had it happen to us.
he can't go, ah well beaten to the gun.

no goes lets a sigh out of him and says (in an almost crying voice) 'he really wanted that free kill' - grimmz you are a ******* child.

think I'm gonna watch more streamer from now on. they be funny!
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ahhh lmao - just watched about 5 mins of Grimmz (I think?) got pumped and then started crying about kill horning?! Ganging up on the streamer - boohoo. then started saying ohh if I had an 8x scope, ohh I woulda, ohh I man.....

no you wouldn't I just watched it and you were shooting like a ******* turkey.

starting to think that half these clowns you take them out of their custom servers and they are *****.

edit: next jump he lands on roof of building at Quarry. 3 guys total. he and another peg it off down the stairs, grimmz takes a couple of fresh air punches at the guys back. guy grabs m16, grimmz continues running. guys chases him down and kills him - we all have doen that and had it happen to us.
he can't go, ah well beaten to the gun.

no goes lets a sigh out of him and says (in an almost crying voice) 'he really wanted that free kill' - grimmz you are a ******* child.

think I'm gonna watch more streamer from now on. they be funny!

Most of them are giant whining man babies who think they have a right to win every round and if they don't they have either been the victim of cheating, Steam sniping, game glitches, bad game design and or the actual Dev team picking on them. The clown that is Dr Disrespect actually said last night he thought BlueHole had coded something into the patch to mess his and only his controls up because of his man baby spat with PlayerUnknown a couple of weeks ago. Oh and if you don't play the game in an exact precise manner to which they agree with (and makes their game easier) then you are playing it wrong and the devs need to change things to ensure you do play the way they require you to.

There's only a few that I can stomach watching and even they have the occasional stream snipe meltdown.
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