Oh dear this isn't setting good precedence if a 'popular streamer' can cry stream snipe and they get people banned without any proof.
TL;DR Friend unknowingly kills shroud and get a 7-day ban for the "stream snipe."
As the title says my friend (IGN Lotoe) is banned now for allegedly stream sniping shroud. Before, a duo was tossing grenades into the room they were in and ended up killing summit. The dude was saying he loved their stream and whatnot. 2 minutes later my friend encounters shroud and kills him. So they assume Lotoe was stream sniping and his viewers jump straight to reporting him. Really unfair to my friend as he was banned for killing a popular streamer. We didn't even know he was in the game until we noticed the names in the killfeed and thought it was pretty cool, but this is just unacceptable.
Edit 1:
Additional Proof
Ban Screenshot: https://gyazo.com/d3914adda6a463526c58b2edf46b87ab
Lotoe PMing Discord Mod: https://gyazo.com/f0bd8468318276c72c1a6ae61a5de4ed
Shroud's death: https://gyazo.com/72509d2d67d892e112ebfb6fc760c40e