Forgot to mention also, felt sorry for a guy in solos yesterday - his smoke grenade didn't render on my screen at all. Wondered why he was crouched in the open mid-firefight not firing at me and when I killed him I went to loot and could hear the smoke grenade going but no smoke anywhere to be seen.
get in early dont shoot unless you know you can kill people and wont lead to you getting killed.often the main reason you die in the last ten is because you get in a fire fight which you just give your position away and multiple people kill you.

I've found this to happen and likewise, due to being seen, got caught outside the field as I've not moved in quick enough so died as would only otherwise end up shot. It seems in general you are better on the edges of the perimeter to begin, then within the inner circles towards the end as you can get caught out of cover. Very situational based though.
Was dead against FP game play.... Love 3rd person games!

Since playing in FP I can honestly say I love it..... Tactics and awareness are key. More to the point you know someone isn't 3rd personing you waiting for you to go in the open!
What seems to work better for you guys? Avoiding combat as much as poss or going hunting for the kills? I'm mostly trying to hide and get into the top 10 a bit but always seem to get killed before I even see the enemy right at the end. My most kills in a game is only 4.
Don't give away your position unless you can get the kill, as the cycle gets smaller unless some-one is going to be a threat to me within the next couple of minutes I tend to leave them alone and let some-one do the dirty work and give their position away. Before the smaller cycles aggression is king, people don't always expect you to take the fight right to their face this pays to gear up early on.
I still maintain getting a good round is pot luck at this game, the first couple of minutes of loot and the final cycle's can end things no matter how many skillz you have.
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What seems to work better for you guys? Avoiding combat as much as poss or going hunting for the kills? I'm mostly trying to hide and get into the top 10 a bit but always seem to get killed before I even see the enemy right at the end. My most kills in a game is only 4.

Mixture of both really. If you hear a cannon going off fairly far away I avoid the area chances are they'll see me before I see them and they have advantage over range (assuming I dont have a kar or sks). If you hear silenced shots nearby then it's worth pushing them saves you getting killed by a silencer later on/you get a silencer. Even better if you hear warring squads just time it right when one has killed the other and you get to shoot at a weakened enemy and then get access to even more loot :D.
At the moment I'm wrecking my solo K/D ratio going looking for kills. I want to get used to combat, shooting each weapon in different scenarios to get as good as I can.

As the rankings reset each month I don't really care :)
I like to be aggressive at the start of a solo round as it's good practice and the decent loot is usually in the hot spots, but I will then avoid shooting unless I can definitely kill someone and won't be shot immediately by someone else.

Unless you're lucky with finding good drops, you need to loot other players as you'll get wrecked by someone with a decent zoom and a kitted out rifle in the end game.
Watch "pro" players play and yeah there is an element of luck, but they will go for the kill often.

Trick is being very situationally aware. Look for likely enemy positions and get good at shooting. Engage and always keep in mind where potential threats can come from, keeping some kind of cover available. Keep track of noises.

I think a softly softly approach may get you to the last 20 often... but you need to know how to assess and deal with threats aggressively.
To be fair most people don't seem to expect aggressive players. Always good in a squad to have one aggressive player flank whilst rest of squad are keeping them entertained. It's surprising how tunnel visioned people get on the fight not looking to see if people are flanking.
just had a nice squad win to end the night.all the team stayed alive such a vital thing in squad games and makes it a lot easier.
Had first squad win tonight :) Zone was kind to us and we didn't have to move very far, if at all at all on the last 3 circles. Was only 2 of us left though vs a team of 3. Friend was crouched next to a bush and totes got spotted, 2 rushed and killed him whilst one lay prone and then I was able to strike! pew pew pew pew!

Actually surprised how I was able to do it, with my potato aim anyways lol
The worst thing you can do in this game is respect the ballistics, literally every range is point and shoot unless you're using a VSS, that has actual bullet drop for some reason and the amount it has is bloody insane.
Watch "pro" players play and yeah there is an element of luck, but they will go for the kill often.

Trick is being very situationally aware. Look for likely enemy positions and get good at shooting. Engage and always keep in mind where potential threats can come from, keeping some kind of cover available. Keep track of noises.

I think a softly softly approach may get you to the last 20 often... but you need to know how to assess and deal with threats aggressively.

If I play passively I often get into the last 10 but find I spend 20 minutes quietly looting to get only one or two kills before dying. It's a lot of time for very little action. Atleast if you hit the busy areas you get some gun play and if you die you haven't invested too much time.
What seems to work better for you guys? Avoiding combat as much as poss or going hunting for the kills? I'm mostly trying to hide and get into the top 10 a bit but always seem to get killed before I even see the enemy right at the end. My most kills in a game is only 4.
Depends on the load out I've picked up, if it's an AR and SMG then I go for the aggressive play in one of the towns as you can move in an out of cover quite easily. If I've picked up a sniper then I'll go for a bit more of a reserved approach, avoiding too many encounters and carefully picking my targets.
The worst thing you can do in this game is respect the ballistics, literally every range is point and shoot unless you're using a VSS, that has actual bullet drop for some reason and the amount it has is bloody insane.

A 5.56 or 7.62mm wouldn't drop at these sort of ranges, in game to life your talking sniping at 500 meters max (on this map) them rounds would still be going very strong at them ranges. As for the VSS the 9mm round would drop like a pig with next to no velocity
Even the shotguns are pretty true in my eyes, without choke next to no range, with choke it gives you about another 10/15 meters of decent damage.

The lead time also varies from gun to gun due to difference velocity's, I don't see a problem at all with the ballistics.
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