A win is a win buddy. I barely get top 20 these days. I play it like BF1
A win is a win buddy. I barely get top 20 these days. I play it like BF1
We've been working on the new build and will deploy the update next week.
As we prepare to deploy our next build, we are going to release a test build early next week. The test servers will be up for 2 days.
Some of the key features of the new build include a new weapon, foggy weather condition, FPP leaderboards and multiple bug fixes.
Detailed patch notes will be released before the test build goes live.
Had a dodgy game the other day when with an OcUk squad game. Everybody had got killed early on in Pochinki, leaving just me. I'd given away my rough location through shooting at the other squad that killed my team, but quickly ran into a building and was crouched below a balcony of a large building to hide (well out of sight). The squad approached my building, ran around it a few times with me motionless (silent). Next thing I knew I had two grenades fly up into my exact spot on the balcony from the ground level below and kill me. There was absolutely no way they could have known I was there. It was certainly very suspect as agreed by the others spectating me.
One of the most frustrating ways for me to die, is dancing around a car, rock, or tree and not being able to tell where the hell I am being shot from. Dancing about, doing the serpentine, get to cover, dink shot in the pan, move to the other side, boom dead; how?
and a common tactic when shooting at someone who hasn't seen you is to fire extra shots when they *do* move behind cover to make them think that you can still see them
(and a common tactic when shooting at someone who hasn't seen you is to fire extra shots when they *do* move behind cover to make them think that you can still see them)
Dancing about, doing the serpentine
so view distance @ ultra makes grass render further away or is it limited to 100m regardless?
i changed view distance from ultra to very low and my fps stayed the exact same. so i'm thinking it's BS it should be on very low.
Grass renders at ~100m regardless of what view distance you have, it's an engine problem, not user side.
so why do people keep on recommending view distance low then?