Just got this.

I was hyped to play it but I'm not sure if I really like it. It is a 'one more go' type of game but I don't think there is enough action for me.

It's definitley a stoner game that's for sure and if I was still at Uni I would be playing it all night but sober, I don't think it grabs me much.

I'll keep at it though, it might grow on me :)
You can quickly learn where the action is. Jump out at military base, school or one of the cities and you'll get lots of action. Lots of deaths too but that is part of the PUBG balance.

New @PUBATTLEGROUNDS weapon alert! After next week's update, Mini-14 will be available all over the island of Erangel. #ThisIsBattleRoyale

I quite like to go M416 (full attachments/auto/red dot) for my primary and have an M16 with a 4x or 8x scope for sniping due to the high velocity of the bullet on the m16. So switching to this as my secondary might not be to bad.
i generally pick up a m416 if i cant find a ump.prefer to have ak as main and ump as close up gun.not sure about new gun.
my main gripe with this game is you either have fun or you go for the win. At the moment i just drop into some of the biggest hotzones just for the quick firefights. If i am going for the win i'll camp like a bush wookie. But the later is starting to get real dull even if i manage to pull of a 1st-3rd place where as the urban firefights are just so intense and good and even when i usually die with 50 left the death dont feel stupid compared to camping the entire game just to be whacked from 300 meters by another bush wookie :P . The new glock full auto pistol btw is a wrecking ball if you are doing it correctly.
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