Won my second game of the day, full squad stayed alive, i acted pretty much as scouter/spotter hense 0 kills and virtually no damage. Either that or i just got totally carried :P
Thanks - First Duo win for me tonight, sadly no kills but i did spot and hit most of the others - just team mate got the final hit on them all, Haha!
I bought this yesterday. Killed three people, got down to 30-odd left alive and then ran myself over - Brian Harvey style - when I handbrake turned and jumped out the jeep too early :(

Best game ever.
Hate this game. Had the trots most of the week so not been on.

Just went on for a quick solo and near pooped myself when some sod appeared from behind a tree I was heading towards!
DSync is awful. Graphics needs to be low. Dreadful game tbh
Seems some folks are just having bad luck with the DSync and graphics settings. I'm running a first gen i5 750 and r380x and I can have a couple of settings at medium and remain reasonably playable even given the fact the devs have said themselves optimisations need doing. Shame your having problems, it really is a heart racing, sweat inducing game (even in its current state)
I have a 2500k and 1070 @ 1440p. Game seems to fluctuate from 30 to 120fps all the time, regardless of whether it's at Ultra or Very Low settings :(
This game prefers 16gb ram over 8gb it was using almost 8gb ram for me
Ah never even thought to check my ram usage. Though to be honest I don't think I'll bother tinkering to much at this stage until the bring out the optimisation patch they've been talking about.
Ah never even thought to check my ram usage. Though to be honest I don't think I'll bother tinkering to much at this stage until the bring out the optimisation patch they've been talking about.
Have you tried adding the startup parameters i found it ran best everything on low apart from textures should be on ultra and adding -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -d3d10 to launch options on steam

Never played a game where I have to take deep breaths before sniping as I am shaking too much before.

yup it really does get the heart racing - I usually avoid contact at all costs now in solo as i'm a bag of nerves when it comes to having to take shots at someone!
Have you tried adding the startup parameters i found it ran best everything on low apart from textures should be on ultra and adding -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -d3d10 to launch options on steam
no, I've left pretty much everything at low (my machine is pretty ancient now) but have popped a couple up to medium. don't really have to much lag or stutter as such so may just leave it be for now and tinker a bit more deeply when they release the optimisation updates.
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