Another Duo win last night. M416 is qaulity paired with the 2x scope. Although I need to learn to stand still while shooting, watched back the win and at one point I was straffing while shooting (quake style) old habbits die hard :D
Over all the patch is a good one for me performance is now excellent across the map and the little added extra's like beinging able to see team mates map markers is a god send. But the loot spawning needs to tweaked up as its just daft now played 5 squad games last night and in every single one of them we had a least two guys with shotguns and smg's only and the rest had an AR but then had no scopes.
I think I've only played with one person who takes it seriously everyone else is happy to muck around.

I take it quite seriously...I also suck big time, therefore the seriousness may get lost in our games together :D

Had some sick games today. The patch has improved my performance a huge amount. Gone from 0.87 squad k:d to 1.07!. Just had an 8 kill chicken dinner as well (including a 3 man grenade kill, but i didn't record it :()

That win was amazing, I had a state of pure hero worship watching you finish that off. I have a video of the aftermath from your grenade kill, not the kill itself though.
I am just glad I contributed with at least 1 kill in that game :D it was a great round, Puppet turned on beast mode at the end, loved it. Glad I said yes to one more!
Patch was great... not sure how I feel about the lack of ammunition however...

Did find 3 4x scopes on top of one another though... my squad thought xmas had come early!
Thanks to the lads from the discord for the games last night (Stihl, BG1980 )- a good winner winner chicken dinner in the 4 man squad. Still amazes me how nervous and twitchy you get despite it being 2 v 1 in our situation!!

The moment you think you have it in the bag is the moment the SOB pops up behind you with a M249 :D.
Fully tooled up (silenced SKS and UMP with all the trimmings) 3 man squad all on one bike (well, two on the bike, one in the sidecar :P ) when the driver hits a tiny divot in the road at full speed. Next thing all I see is blue sky and then my character skidding across the floor on his hands and knees and then collapses; all dead. I was absolutely howling with laughter. The driver was so apologetic but I din't care as it was so funny :D

I bet someone had some nice presents when they looted all our boxes!
Picked this up yesterday, it's very alpha-stage at the moment :) Good fun nonetheless, managed to get two kills in one round. Still early days for me.

The physics is a bit unforgiving, I died from 'falling' 3 times, once was jumping off a moving motorbike, I kind of expected Half Life / Battlefield zero damage, but it killed me instantly :D. Would be an interesting game mode addition to many games!

Battle Royale :D
Since the patch what graphic settings are you using?

I could only play this if i had res to 1080p now i can go native 1440p and raised some settings to high as well :) it seems a lot run view distance to VERY LOW? i thought this would make the game harder for you to see the enemy.
I cant play at all at the moment. Takes ages to load then when I try and join my son nothing happens for ages then it shows him in the group but top left says offline.
I have had trouble connecting to games today, and when I have been able to, only having ~25 others present.

That being said, performance is massively, massively improved. I'm currently using my 2Gb GTX 670 with which performance has been so poor I ordered an ASUS Strix RX 480, which arrived yesterday. I'm really doubting that the RX 480 is necessary now!

As a result of the increased performance, my first protein :)

Happy with the performance i get but i am using an overclocked GTX 1080.

Having lots of connection issues though, i.e. last 10 and i'll be in a car.. can't get out of it, reload pick up items.. do anything, then i get disconnected.. Very annoying.
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