I often wonder if games are kept in early access because they worry that they will lose some of their userbase if they come out of early access. For example, game reaches end of early access, all stats and items unlocked etc are wiped, portion of the playerbase who have enjoyed playing the game for the last year or however long decide that they dont want to start all over again fresh and have to build their stats and unlocks up again , feel that theyve got their moneys worth out of the time in early access and decide not to restart fresh.
In some cases, this may well be the case, but ranking is the only thing kept in this game if I'm right? I think it's more to do with the ability to claim bugs/issues as development progress. Take Ark for example, that game is still a technical mess but they get away with it. Ark's been in early access for over 2 years and I really don't think it will ever change.
It's why I'm hesitant buying this until a proper release. Shame as it looks like great fun.