That's why I stopped playing it ages ago, this game is way past its peak.
Well, that couldn't have gone any worse. 5 squad games tonight and maybe only 1 kill between three of us. Just kept getting owned in every single encounter. This game can be pretty damned depressing at times.
That's why I stopped playing it ages ago, this game is way past its peak.
For the first time since map selection was removed we were seeing majority of players as bots from 8 p.m. last night. 60 bots and 30 odd real players in each duo match.
Do you guys prefer PUBG in third person mode or first person mode? Personally I think the game is actually quite alright in FPP, there is too much camping and third person peaking in TPP for my liking. I do see a lot of bots sometimes but it isn't always every game.
Yes, can't wait for Vikendi! I hope they put it as a seperate map selection for the first few weeks at least, like they did Deston.New Vikendi looks awesome! Lots of streamers being very positive about it right now.
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion though, that Taego is just a very "nothing-y" sort of map. Its all a bit featureless and samey compared to something like Deston. Never really loved the map when it came out and haven't really warmed to it. It could do with taking out of rotation and having some character added to it.
I'm not a fan. Too big, too open and not enough cover or vehicles.
Man it's pretty awful, maybe we just need to get used to it.
But seems you land on a compound, if you get an early engagement, by the time it's done the zone is coming, and then you have to run down the road for 5 minutes trying to find a car, by the time you drive all the way to zone, no meds, already phase 3 and all compounds occupied.
Also getting ghost footstep sounds.
The map lacks vehicles for its size and if you look a lot of areas are featureless rolling hills and not much else.
We got a couple of chicken dinners in the end but most of the games were not great, the comeback arena is rubbish as well, literally just luck if you spawn near a good gun.
Played some regular maps as well and better games, one Teago win, we got heading towards 20 kills, I got 7.
Shame was looking forward to Vikendi being back but this isn't Vikendi.
Are the zones quicker on the new vikendi?