Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

il say it again demo's mean sod all. especially when you dont know what res they are in. may as well carry on talking about iphones again :P
But the Nvidia one is from 2007.....

Indeed. But most people are showing off that comparison inorder to lessen how great quantic dreams have done. When seeing them in motion its hardly compareable and pictures mean nothing much. I can render a still image of that quality on a pentium d laptop
That PS4 demo image has had some kind of Gaussian blur added or captured off a low-res stream. When I was watching live at 720p it looked way better than that.
That PS4 demo image has had some kind of Gaussian blur added or captured off a low-res stream. When I was watching live at 720p it looked way better than that.

It looked like that to me on the hd stream. I wasn't really paying attention to the quality of it more the little details.
Can someone enlighten me on how we will be able to play games whilst downloading them on PS4 ?

As much as I would like this feature somehow on steam downloads, the PS4 going in this direction is well impressive :cool:
Do you know why you don't see PC games looking like that?

It's because the games are made for console, and the ported to PC.

If you made a game that made use of the full graphics capability of the latest PC hardware, it would be vastly superior to anything you currently see on console, or anything you will see on the Playstation 4.

But, it would also mean that only the people with top of the range PC hardware could run it.

In the Playstation 4 demo, the footage is being played on a PC in the background, a PC with the same spec as the PS4, but a PC all the same.

Now, the release of the PS4 can only be a good thing for PC gamers, as it will mean that developers making cross platform games will not have to dumb down the graphics to cater for out of date console hardware, which will mean the capability of the PC can be utilised more, but given a year and the PC will once again be capable of something vastly superior.

Take for example this image from and Nvidia showcase in 2007:


and compare it to the image from the PS4 demo:


there is not much in it, and that was 6 years ago, see what I mean?

Why are we comparing techdemos with non of the overheads of games again?
Why are we comparing techdemos with non of the overheads of games again?

because people like to try and rain on new things when they wont be buying them as their choice HAS to be right.

end of the day demo's are demo's and mean very little.
Why are we comparing techdemos with non of the overheads of games again?
Because obviously since 2007 all PC exclusives have had such detailed graphics, its just FYI to let you know what the console gamers have been missing...
Can someone enlighten me on how we will be able to play games whilst downloading them on PS4 ?

As much as I would like this feature somehow on steam downloads, the PS4 going in this direction is well impressive :cool:
I look forward to reliving multi-load games ala Spectrum cassettes :p

Im sure it will just prioritise the engine and the in-game assets of the first level or something, Im sure there will be some restrictions re particular modes (might not be able to MP til its fully downloaded for example). Im sure the developers will decide how this feature works on their particular game.

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Didn't they say something about this being the first time ever that you can actually see emotions and such in a persons face? Because I'm pretty sure that LA Noire did that already.
Well that just isn't true, is it.

Yeah, it is.

Just because a PC can do better - but at the same time can't because the games aren't there - makes this entire discussion rather silly. That's before you factor in price, etc.

Obviously a high-end PC will comfortably beat a console specs wise, but if nobody makes the games (as others have claimed) then it really doesn't matter. Sadly.
The picture of the old man isn't particularly impressive if thats all the PS4 is rendering. Theres no other characters, backgrounds, enviroment, physics, game logic etc etc.
The picture of the old man isn't particularly impressive if thats all the PS4 is rendering. Theres no other characters, backgrounds, enviroment, physics, game logic etc etc.

Yeah, I think they were just trying to show off that they can move different parts of a face.

I don't think the Killzone demo looked better than this -

And remember that it'd look better in motion rather than screenshots.
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Listening to what David Cage was talking about it was a demo to show off high poly counts and how they can use them to give a more human look and more believable facial emotions.
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