Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

I love these announcements and I've been a big fan of the Playstation since the PS1. However I hope it's not going to be full of pre-rendered stuff - Sony style.
I hope Jack Tretton does the presentation, he's like a fun uncle. :D

Nah, after the farces of ps3 and psp go I want it to be Kevin butler. Screw it, just make it completely unserious and light hearted, that way nobody can rip the pee later on.

I suspect it was be kaz tho
I don't consider Wii part of of the 360/PS3 gen, the Wii U I will consider. If you don't like that then tough really and it does not make what wiki tells you right. I have a bit more common sense :)

I don't need an article to form my opinion, maybe you do?

Well then you clearly don't understand what generation means.

No one cares what you consider the Wii U to be, the fact is that it's part of the 8th generation of consoles, so relative to the Wii, PS3 and 360, it's next gen.

I have never figured out how you actually measure what is next gen.

Is there a specific mhz number the CPU or GPU it has to hit?

Is it a measure of speed against other consoles on the market?

Is it possible to have in your hand a "next gen" console because by definition, the one in your hand would technically be "current", not "next". The next one isn't out yet.

I like to say "the latest" console from X.

"Next gen" makes no sense since in theory the X-box 360 is still "next gen" as the NEXT one isn't out yet, it came out in 2005. How long can you call the X-box Next Gen before it becomes "last gen"? If the new one comes out and it is call Next Gen and the X-box 360 becomes last gen then what on earth is the current generation? The only variable is the time between the one you have now and the next one is out. Whether it is 7 years or 7 days, that shouldn't change the status of the console, it is the current one.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. :p

Next Gen makes plenty of sense, I think you're just misunderstanding what it's supposed to mean. You seem to be confusing next gen with current gen.

The 360 is the current generation of Xbox. The next xbox is "next gen" and when that's out the 360 will be last gen.

Basically it's a relative term. If you say next gen when talking about the 360, then you'd mean the upcoming xbox, if you say next gen about the upcoming xbox, you'd mean the one after that, assuming they make one.
Looks interesting, i'll stay up till 1am watching this, hopefully something good will have been announced by that point.
:(:( I start work at 11pm... So I'll be missing this then. Perfect :(:(

That sucks D:

Looks interesting, i'll stay up till 1am watching this, hopefully something good will have been announced by that point.

I've got snacks and provisions at the ready to last the entire event haha, although 1am? Tbh I don't know how long the even is for, I do hope it's an hour or two.
11pm GMT +1 or 2 hours hopefully.

So il'l be all wrapped up in bed dreaming about the newly announced console by 1am, work in the morning so i have to be in bed by then regardless.

Sony master race. Be good to see how they do this time with them announcing a console before Microsoft this time round. Whichever is announced first will sell shedloads more to begin with.
Although I have to be in work for 6am I will not be missing this so I'll have to stock up on coffee later.

I really hope this is going to be good, I will get both consoles but for some reason I'm more excited to find out what Sony are going to offer, don't know why.
@anti - not really, look at the xbox 360, that was announced and released before the ps3. Xbox was leading the console war (Global units shipped) until last year.

I have a feeling the xbox being announced first helped build up hype, especially considering there was no alternative (at the time of its announcement or release).

I just think if Sony can get this console announced and marketed before Microsoft announce their offfering, it would really help them compete.
No free money here.....but looking forward to the evening announcement (and hoping that it is not going to be a crushing disappointment !) :p
Ahh today is going to be a slow day!!

On a side note. If Sony announce console and let you pre-order, who would pre-order one straight away or would you wait till MS's announcement?

Personally I think it would be pre-order right away for me.
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