Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

It's probably just me, but I actually have no excitement and barely any interest in the PS4...

Strange, concidering I'm a bit of a Sony fanboy with all consoles they've released from PS1 :S

Hopefully they'll show something to peak my interest!
So far I couldn't care less about a touch-screen or touch-pad on a contoller, nor automatic 'share' button lol
Guess I have to view myself as a Sony fanboy too.....never really been tempted over to the green side
Definitely looking forward to seeing what they've got in store :)

Will check my PSN account tonight for free money also! Been thinking of grabbing FF8 again, so fingers crossed :p
Ahh today is going to be a slow day!!

On a side note. If Sony announce console and let you pre-order, who would pre-order one straight away or would you wait till MS's announcement?

Personally I think it would be pre-order right away for me.

I personally don't see the point in getting it on launch. You're going to pay the highest price for a console when it has barely any games out for it. I'd rather wait 6-12 months for it to get some decent titles, by which point the price will have come down a bit too.
Ahh today is going to be a slow day!!

On a side note. If Sony announce console and let you pre-order, who would pre-order one straight away or would you wait till MS's announcement?

Personally I think it would be pre-order right away for me.

I will probably, I've had all of the Playstations except for the handhelds (although am considering a Vita if it gets a decent price drop), and I've personally not been disappointed with any of them like I have with other consoles.
I was annoyed with the drop of support for the Xbox as soon as the 360 came out and now annoyed with the direction they took the 360, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me and all that malarkey. I really liked the 360 when it first came out too :(

Saying that, I will still reserve judgement for this event and possibly E3, Sony could mess it all up and make me uninterested completely haha, everything is possible, except for perhaps slamming a revolving door...
Ahh today is going to be a slow day!!

On a side note. If Sony announce console and let you pre-order, who would pre-order one straight away or would you wait till MS's announcement?

Personally I think it would be pre-order right away for me.

Depends on the launch games, but would not pre-order right away would just wait till nearer launch and see if any deals around.
New corner suite and washing machine means I may hold off on a pre order

I misread that as if Sony were holding this event to announce a new PlayStation washing machine. Play Uncharted whilst cleaning your undies. :D

Wonder what the difference between the SKUs is? 500GB HDD vs 1000GB?
I read that as well but I think that would be commercial suicide for sony to sell them at that price. They need to sell at no more than $400(or £400) on release.

I dont think that would actually be a bad idea say at $400 & $500. Most of us will be buying a couple of games, maybe want a bigger hardrive so may be a saving buying the premium model. Those that are price conscious can pick up the $400 one.

£400 for the UK is too much, no more than £350
My limit would be <600 depending on what tech is on on offer etc. Based on the rumors <400 seems reasonable.

Guess it depends how much you use your existing console to how highly you would value a new one.
The PS3 was sold for $599 (£425). assuming they can have a similar conversion this time then we should see it come in under £400 for both models.

TBH i don't care my pre-order is going in as soon as it's available. The PS3 was the first Playstation console I have ever owned and now I wouldn't hesitate in owning another Sony console.
Right rather than being a bunch of idiot fanboys in here lets get the bets going.
I'll start

Price:425 for a premium one with more storage and accessories
350 for a basic one

Specs: What we already have seen/know

Disk drive: Yes Blu ray

Release date: March 2014

Backwards compatibility with PS3 discs : No

Controller : a slightly more well built copy of the one we have seen
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Right rather than being a bunch of idiot fanboys in here lets get the bets going.
I'll start

Price:425 for a premium one with more storage and accessories
350 for a basic one

Specs: What we already have seen/know

Disk drive: Yes Blu ray

Release date: March 2013

Backwards compatibility with PS3 discs : No

Controller : a slightly more well built copy of the one we have seen

Release date: March 2013

Wow your hopefull :)
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