Really want the Pro however the one thing holding me back is noise? Noise is the reason i sold my original release PS4 even after reapplying the thermal paste. It ruined the immersion so much while playing the last of us and uncharted.
Is it possible if any owners could say if there PS4 Pro is loud, quiet or anything between. It is a massive deal breaker for me.
When I first time started it I havnt noticed any noise or even heard it running to be honest. I later tried to listen to it on a day off in empty house during quiet day with no background noise of any kind and heard it running but it wasn't bad, not any more noisy than a PC of any sort and tbh while playing games you'll struggle to hear anything over the game sound and that includes me playing it late at night with TV volume lowered to 2-3 (normally would be at 10-15 during day use).
It's not dead silent but it's not distracting even slightly unless you play without sound or sit 2 feet away from it.