PlayStation 4 Pro in-bound

@Paul_cz, killzone has great graphics but the game itself is rubbish personally, felt the game was just a demo to show off what the PS4 is capable of when it was released.

Until Dawn is awesome and the Uncharted series is epic.
Damn, you've got some very good games to play through:p

Have fun:) U4 is beast, it's obviously not a deep story but it's like playing an adventure movie with great locations and very decent characters.

Infamous is very cool too.

Can't get into Driveclub either. H3 is vastly better. Haven't tried The Order but considering picking it up.

I suggest trying Gravity Rush 2 if you don't mind cartoony graphics. The gameplay and setting is uber-cool.

Some of the fight scenes were great fun. Sometimes frustrating on Crushing.

The area at the end of Madagascar. Though it was cool as most came down via the ropes.

The ghost trophy was quite a challenge on Crushing for Scotland.

Marooned. Since no check points and the heavy gunner. That was some challenge on Crushing doing it as stealth all the way to chapter 15.

The collapsing building with all the heavy gunners trying to run past and barge through the door.

New Devon and Avery's house.

The Descent (coming from behind you as you cleared the area) hate the gas mask dudes that grab you when the shotgun guys come pumping away. The mummies were the worst on Crushing and No Escape.
Until Dawn. What a hoot that was. Great game. TLoU definitely needs replaying. So good. I need to play it again and I very rarely replay anything. Except for ND games, thinking about it. I might buy UC 1-4 again some day.
Even the Uncharted games for Multiplayer is fun more so Uncharted 4 Survival. Even though they're bullet sponges.
I suggest trying Gravity Rush 2 if you don't mind cartoony graphics. The gameplay and setting is uber-cool.

Is it necessary to play GR1 ? I saw it was originally Vita title, so that does not inspire much enthusiasm.

And yeah Order is pretty fun and looks glorious. Good sale pickup or rental.
Is it necessary to play GR1 ? I saw it was originally Vita title, so that does not inspire much enthusiasm.

And yeah Order is pretty fun and looks glorious. Good sale pickup or rental.

Frankly, people say the stories are connected and it's best to play both but I've also heard GR1 is still a very decent game (will also be very cheap). I only played the demo of 2 but loved the atmosphere and the gameplay so much that I know I'll be getting both after I finish Nier and Horizon. And The Order too, probably.

Since, you have the Pro, I'd also highly recommend getting Nier on it because the PC port is a bit dodgy (supposedly runs at solid 60fps on the Pro, just like Yakuza). I don't know your level of tolerance for weird narratives/worlds but I know you quite like cyberpunkish/android stuff with RPG elements (if I'm not mistaken) and I think you'd find the overall experience very rewarding. There's nothing like it currently out. Not without small flaws but still a masterpiece IMO. I think you'd love the OST as well, I can't get it out of my head.

Until Dawn is also supposedly very decent, haven't tried it myself yet.

Have you seen Detroit trailers? That might be pretty great.
Nier Automata is on my steam wishlist, I prefer to get any game that has PC version on PC, for the longevity/modability. I am not super enthused to play it since in all videos I have seen it looks incredibly drab and boring + I am not a big fan of these types of action games (like Metal Gear Rising, finished it but barely), but I keep reading that the story is worth it, hence my interest. I will get it when it gets on some decent sale.

Detroit has potential, but I wonder if Cage finally hired some other and better writers, both Fahrenheir and Heavy Rain were not quite as good as I hoped. Didn't play Beyond though.
The videos don't do it justice, the combat/action is amazing and you won't experience this kind of narrative, characters and mechanics anywhere else outside Taro's work. Though, you'll probably miss a lot of it. There are many things this game doesn't tell you explicitly.

It doesn't look amazing graphically and the world is pretty barren (obviously) but some the locations are really depressing and beautiful.
But yeah, it's bloody weird and not for everyone.
If you don't like action RPGs with fast-paced combat, then you might not love it as much in the end but if this game is boring, then I've yet to play an interesting one:p

I know it's all preference but it's my game of the generation so far in terms of what it does and how it does it. I only regret reading the reviews before playing it but I do share the opinion of the vast majority of the reviewers that Nier is simply an unmissable experience and a very important one for the gaming world.

I hope Detroit fares better than HR, I quite like the setting.
Yikes! I purchased Until Dawn aaaaaaaaages ago, and it's still sat in the drawer sealed! Need to get it out for a bash, ooh err.
The videos don't do it justice, the combat/action is amazing and you won't experience this kind of narrative, characters and mechanics anywhere else outside Taro's work. Though, you'll probably miss a lot of it. There are many things this game doesn't tell you explicitly.

It doesn't look amazing graphically and the world is pretty barren (obviously) but some the locations are really depressing and beautiful.
But yeah, it's bloody weird and not for everyone.
If you don't like action RPGs with fast-paced combat, then you might not love it as much in the end but if this game is boring, then I've yet to play an interesting one:p

I know it's all preference but it's my game of the generation so far in terms of what it does and how it does it. I only regret reading the reviews before playing it but I do share the opinion of the vast majority of the reviewers that Nier is simply an unmissable experience and a very important one for the gaming world.

I hope Detroit fares better than HR, I quite like the setting.

Nier is an awesome game imo. The overall presentation is fantastic (made even better by the locked 1080p/60fps on the Pro).

I am not hugely far in but the story is certainly getting interesting.
Nier is an awesome game imo. The overall presentation is fantastic (made even better by the locked 1080p/60fps on the Pro).

I am not hugely far in but the story is certainly getting interesting.

Yes, it really is. It's an awesome work of art even. Glad you like it so early on as the best is yet to come:)
Sadly, many people will neglect it because of a small budget, no breakthrough graphics and little hype but what can you do. I'm happy I didn't.
Just picked up that Wipout and horizon deal. Had 118 quid in credit from game from trading in the daughters PS3. She wanted my PS4.

So happy enough :)
Oh sorry - Argos!

Clicking through just now though it says PS4 Slim which is worrying!

Checking with Argos live chat now - advertised deal is definitely different to the what's offered when clicked through :(

Definitely and error - being fixed now apparently!

False alarm folks! :p
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