***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

DBT, how do you know all these things? I see you answering everyones questions every day :P
Just got my vita :D Cant wait to play it :D

I've been reading pretty much everything about the Vita since it was first unveiled as the NGP. As a result I know lots about it and can make a nice OP with lots of information for folks that are only just finding out it even exists :)

Thanks for the info DBT.

As long as the memory card will still work in the later vita that's the main thing. Guy in store indicated that it would only ever work in 1 vita.

I'm hoping since I will only be using one PSN account the whole time, if i start uncharted tonight onto the card make saves, once I have deregistered the wifi vita and registered the 3g version it onto the account the card should just hop accross... worse case I lose saves.

All in all, it is a weird situation. All I wanted was a standalone 3G model without carts, but the local store I am trading my 3DS in for only had wifi version with carts in stock, so.....

  1. I bought wifi + uncharted for 230 quid.
  2. Later in the week when they get 3g version in I will trade in my wifi and uncharted for 245 quid at same store (yes, 245, it is not a typo), and get 3g version + uncharted (v2)
  3. Then I will trade in uncharted (v2) for PSN vouchers and buy downloadable version of uncharted (v3)

It does mean this week I will own 2 vitas and 3 versions of uncharted... which is why the weird questions :p

Well put it this way, if it will only ever work in one vita there are going to be some unhappy people soon as they buy used cards. I posted my 8GB this morning so we should either see a puddle of rage posting in here tomorrow or a happy camper. I'mm 99.9% sure it'll be the latter.

Just make sure you do a backup of the card before you send the WiFi back, that way even if it won't work in the 3G without a format you still have your data.

I'll see if I can find out about the Uncharted save thing for you.

Ive not seen the starter kit in the shops, only the travel kit. I assume they are both different?

Yes, the Travel kit has the car charger in and the start kit doesn't probably some other differences too.

EDIT: someone found an easter egg in Uncharted when on his second playthrough, this time on Crushing difficulty. Spoiler alert. Real actress is made jump by someone on set and every has a laugh, it's all rendered into the game with the character movements too.

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On the Uncharted thing, you can use your saves from HotShots and Lumines on both the Retail and Digital versions. The same should be true of anything that saves to the memory card.
SirTodge - DBT85
Kinger_8938 - Kinger_8938
Ferrari_F1_27 - Mr Men
Purdy8TV - Purdy
iamfungus2 - funguST
FlukeRogi - FlukeRog
ryryryan - ryryryan
Aspergian - WatchTower
Mcmanicman - Mcmanicman
andyunderpants - Andypants
shamefull32 - White
pinchez - puma
wedgie20 - wedgie
Niivo - Nyvo
cHk4 - cHk4
PlanetOfTheApes - Wakinglimb
Jumblejug - Jumblejug
Muracle - Murray
Torment86 - Sharpz
nogimmix2007 - nogimmix
NeoReloaded - NeoReloaded
Sunny0007 - sunny007
MrMikeh - Quick Mustard
JonnyCasino82 - JonnyCasino
SAFCDan - Dan7
Senture - Senture
DaBozMan - Vandal - Wipeout 2048 Motorstorm RC
shifty100 - Jburton
jonneymendoza - jonneymendoza
Cactus8818 - Adsta
Edz72 - Edz
TH3_WiLL - --ki--
Blueshrew - Chickenhawk
MaZZaB - Mark1989 - Wipeout 2048/Motor Storm RC/Virtua Tennis 4
marksmagicmmc - roman59
RegretfulPath - will13
poortomsacold - tjjpowles
uroboros - Jimbonobo
dailygeek - DailyGeek
yok0ross - Yoko
ig82 - IanAG
BloomerzUK - Bloomz-UK
Cheerycube - Pij
nlr- NRicciardi
mark35 - activeuk
Mull1t - Mull3t (FIFA, motorstorm)
Syronin - Syronin
Davin_nicus - Davinnicus
Tune - Tunee--
There seems to be a lack of online players for Marvel V Capcom 3 atm :( I tried playing some of the Heroes V Heralds online and got no players could be found.
I also tried some normal online fights, I think I managed to get about 2 fights online and that was it. Rest of the time it said no players could be found so I gave up after a while.

Shame I really do love MvC3 such a fun fighter tbh :) My fav team setup is Deadpool, Dante and Zero

I'm up for some games tomorrow if MvC3 turns up with the Vita

Love this pic. Have set it as my lock screen.

Absolutely loving the vita so far :)

Happy you like it, got a few more Dead Space ones if you want them :)
Been playing almost 5 hours straight and only now I got a low battery message so that's good.

Only been playing Rayman and feel it might be a bit short (or maybe I have just played too much in a day? :(). Thinking of getting Escape Plan next.
So I have two orders,

PS Vita
everybodys golf (not sure if I fancy this but with rave reviews I'm going to take a gamble)
Virtua Tennis


PS Vita
everybodys golf

Is a 16GB card needed? There is a deal on Amazon if you buy the ps you get the 8gb for £20 and Virtua Tennis for £15.

Someone decide for me, I'm useless at decisions :p
It arrived!

SirTodge - DBT85
Kinger_8938 - Kinger_8938
Ferrari_F1_27 - Mr Men
Purdy8TV - Purdy
iamfungus2 - funguST
FlukeRogi - FlukeRog
ryryryan - ryryryan
Aspergian - WatchTower
Mcmanicman - Mcmanicman
andyunderpants - Andypants
shamefull32 - White
pinchez - puma
wedgie20 - wedgie
Niivo - Nyvo
cHk4 - cHk4
PlanetOfTheApes - Wakinglimb
Jumblejug - Jumblejug
Muracle - Murray
Torment86 - Sharpz
nogimmix2007 - nogimmix
NeoReloaded - NeoReloaded
Sunny0007 - sunny007
MrMikeh - Quick Mustard
JonnyCasino82 - JonnyCasino
SAFCDan - Dan7
Senture - Senture
DaBozMan - Vandal - Wipeout 2048 Motorstorm RC
shifty100 - Jburton
jonneymendoza - jonneymendoza
Cactus8818 - Adsta
Edz72 - Edz
TH3_WiLL - --ki--
Blueshrew - Chickenhawk
MaZZaB - Mark1989 - Wipeout 2048/Motor Storm RC/Virtua Tennis 4
marksmagicmmc - roman59
RegretfulPath - will13
poortomsacold - tjjpowles
uroboros - Jimbonobo
dailygeek - DailyGeek
yok0ross - Yoko
ig82 - IanAG
BloomerzUK - Bloomz-UK
Cheerycube - Pij
nlr- NRicciardi
mark35 - activeuk
Mull1t - Mull3t (FIFA, motorstorm)
Syronin - Syronin
Davin_nicus - Davinnicus
Tune - Tunee--
LGC6A - Anewbe4u!

Add me!

Only got Fifa at Motorstorm as the mo but going to get a few more games soon
So I have two orders,

PS Vita
everybodys golf (not sure if I fancy this but with rave reviews I'm going to take a gamble)
Virtua Tennis


PS Vita
everybodys golf

Is a 16GB card needed? There is a deal on Amazon if you buy the ps you get the 8gb for £20 and Virtua Tennis for £15.

Someone decide for me, I'm useless at decisions :p

For £17 more its worth getting the 16GB. take into account there isn't just gonna be your usual stuff on the memory card, but also full games, demo's, DLC and apps
Yeah im glad i went for the 16gb, just put 200mb worth of music on, 3 games and some apps and ive only had it 2 hours :P
Does anyone have a problem auto connecting to the wifi? every time I put it in sleep mode it disconnects and then I have to go into setting and manually reconnect it
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200Mb?, pfft I think my 4GB collection is small :D :p

haha, yeah it was only 25 songs that i used when i played starcraft 2. Music seemed to stop me from raging so much, just put it on the vita for the sake of it, just to have something on it. Doubt i'll even use it though.
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