***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

Aw man, 1st FPS and it's a fail then? Not seen the review yet. Any glaring comments about why it's so bad?
I think they are saying, its generic, bland, way too short, and just another lame game from a developer cashing in on past hits.
What with this and the new Silent Hill looking very suspect, im beggining to wonder why i botherd buying a Vita:(
Aw man, not so good. And couple it to the fact that the lovely looking "console seller" feature of remote play of PS3 games totally disappearing from any official Sony spiel and I'm also left a little disappointed.

Still, enjoying the games I have got I suppose. Maybe the COD game coming later in the year will address the balance somewhat...
From what I can gather if you like the series then it seems to be ok but if you just want an FPS then it isn't.

I've heard some very nice comments about the LBP beta though.
Yeah I was going to get it just to have an online FPS on the Vita. Quite disappointed now.

I'll still get Gravity rush though, complete it quickly and trade it in.
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