***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

Look what arrived this morning. Gives me something to play in bed while recuperating :).


Is that a keyring? did it come with the game?
Anyone who is interested, Spelunky just got a patch on vita it now has the daily challenge like the steam version and also they fixed the fog / snow slow down issues..
Just finished Tearaway demo and what a excellent little game it is. If it wasn't for the £613 I've spent on PS4 this week I'd buy it instantly.

Same, £469 but missus did pay this for me but can't take the *** as getting a PS4 is hopefully enough to keep me entertained. looks an interesting game though. Next year maybe..
Yeah came with the game, I got mine from SimplyGames. Very cool game so, def refreshing to try something so different after a tirade of fps shooter games. Nice break from fps until Killzone PS4 !

+1 exactly what I was thinking. So much fun. The Girlfriend was watching me playing it and we were laughing at how it puts you in the game. Really enjoying it so far.
Anyone tried AC Liberations on the Vita - any good?

It's pretty good. It was the first game I played.

It controls well, exactly the same as the consoles really inn terms of movement and runny climby jumpy wehay. Combat controls are also good and use simple face buttons.

The graphics are slightly chunkier than I was expecting especially on peoples faces. but very nice lighting and environments. The frame rate drops sometimes on busy sections but it is never unplayable.

This game has the new Idea of using three different outfits / personas each with different benefits and drawbacks. This doesnt work very well as you can't choose your outfit to approach a mission in your favourite way, you have to use the one available outfit that is available for that mission. This means you can get stuck as the Respectable Lady for half an hour and she cannot run (only jog) and can't climb which isn't why I play screed games! Each persona has different ways of reducing their own notoriety which you can do whilst in the other outfits. This is a bit annoying, I'd rather the notority dropped (quickly) over time.

Having said that, most of the missions involve climbing etc so it is still mostly screed gameplay.

The story is an incomprehensible mess and not that interesting.

If you haven't played it you definitely should to see what your vita can do in terms of aaa action games. However don't expect it to be ACii levels of quality....
Turned the vita on last night for the first time since the kz beta, to try the tearaway demo! Its great, may pick it up as a physical copy.

At the moment ive only held on to my vita for remote play, if it works perfectly at home under my network ill keep hold of it if not i may think about moving it on. Cracking piece of kit and if remote play works with no noticable lag it will be a keeper. If not i cant think of many games on the horizon that tickle my fancy :(
Loving Tearaway, such a great game especially for £20. Hopefully we will see more vita exclusives now that sony are bundling them with PS4's and sales are increasing.
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