***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

Most people I've spoken to/read who have played it think its a pretty decent job.

Reviewers on the other hand are comparing it to the PC version which is kinda dumb. Its a decent job, not a game I'm arsed about having on the Vita though.

I'm happy with my HD remakes, indie games and the Japanese games, would love a new Madden or NHL though
anyone played the football manager game?

Yep. It's ok, not great. It lives up to the billing of being the Football Manager Classic mode on the go, but it is quite slow. Once you go through the menus to start a match it probably takes about 5 minutes at the fastest speed for the game to finish, so it takes a while to get through an entire season.

If you like Football Manager though you should be ok, I'm a big FM fan and have made it through two seasons before I moved onto something else.
This arrived today. Much excitement.

This arrived today. Much excitement.

i got it when it was on offer on PSN and it was excellent, a few minor issues with framerate on the vita but i have never played it on any other platform so i was very happy.

im waiting for the collection of season 2 before i touch it again though as i loved going from one to the next it kept me engaged with the story and characters, also play with headphones the sound really adds to the game.
Muramasa Rebirth is ******* awesome. Perfect handheld game for short blasts, has a bit of strategy and lots of beautiful hand drawn sprites
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