Apparently Codemasters have said on twitter that the £45 price of F1 on th PSN was in error and it should be £32
Still at least £12 too much for what is basically a PSP/3DS port :/
My PSN name is SirTodge by the way. My internet is crap so head to head will never work but if anyone has Motorstorm or Rayman or any of the asynch stuff I can play.
BT are sorting me out with Infinity soon!
Stardust is godlike btw, looks fantastic.
Just wish the DS3s used the same grippy kind of rubber that the Vita sticks use. Thumbs never slipped off once.
Just trying to connect to my PC to look at these videos.
Still at least £12 too much for what is basically a PSP/3DS port :/
Its much better than that.