Hi Guys,
I'm selling my Xbox 360 with all games + accessories this weekend. I am also getting some money back I am owed. I'll have enough money for a PS Vita!
But.. is it really worth it? I need some persuading
Kind Regards,
Are you selling them anyway? or just to get a Vita?
I love mine, being able to play Uncharted on the train this morning was great and I can't get that anywhere else.
I also spent a couple of hours playing it last night while the wife was watching crappy TV. Previously I would have gone upstairs into another room and so we spent less time in the same room. Even though I had my headphones in we were still there together rather than in seperate parts of the house.
For those hours having buttons and the experiences I got the on Vita were great. I have never gotten that from a smartphone game.
It's all dependant on lots of things.
The thing I like more than anything is that the games are not JUST console games on a portable. That's nice, but I like other options. Motorstorm RC, Escape Plan, Stardust, are all great games that excel on a portable. That I can also play more console like experiences is a bonus.
What I hope is that more games follow that of MLB12 (Out at the start of march) in that you can transfer your save from your PS3 to your Vita. That kind of options for games like Assassins Creed or GTA5 or something would be fantastic if it were to happen.
I love mine, and I think most here love their too. But then we don;t have 30k on our credit cards that we are paying off at the minimum