Hey DBT did you messages on the PSV? I feel the messaging system is a bit clumsy on this thing... not sure Im using it right lol.
I did mate and I sent one back. I missed the first one you sent as I've grown in popularity since Wednesday lol
can the 3G only be used for downloading demos/games/patches etc ? wondering if there's any real reason to go for a 3G version
also, do you have to sign up for a contract or put credit on the sim card ?
You cannot download any file larger than 20MB over 3G. So some apps and small patches will be fine as well any games that just send small bits of data for a-syncronous gaming like HotShots. It's not contract based, you just top up as much as you want, and you can use any provider you like.
You can use contracts or a PAYG sim with it, TBH I was gamming on a 3G connection last year and it was fine, so I don't see why that can't allow online gaming on it
Another bonus is you get Wipeout 2048 for £5 with the 3G one
3G is ok for some games in some situations. You cannot play COD over a 3G connection if you are on the train. That is why they have disabled it, it would be a PR and customer service nightmare if they told you you could play COD or Fifa over 3G and it kept dropping out due to massive lag spikes which happen over 3G.
Gaming over 3G when you have a stable connection can be fine, but when moving it's just not good enough and would cause more problems for Sony and gamers that it's worth
I just looked up the specs of this thing, 512MB of ram and and 128mb of vram
why arent portable gaming devices up to 2GB of ram yet? they really seem to be lacking behind, when you consider that the average PC has at least 3GB of ram. Hell the PS3 only has 256MB of ram, shouldn't it be competing with PC's?
*waits for the obvious RAM isn't everything replies*
With respect, the PS3 and Xbox360 only have 512 mb of total ram. Clearly you don't need 3gb on a portable if you don;t need it on a console.
Why make an obviously flawed point and then saiy "waits for obvious reply"
Your phone might have 1gb of ram in it, but games only get access to about 10% of it. The Vita games get access to a much larger amount of ram by comparison.
I bought Gran Turismo PSP from the PS Store, would I be able to download and play this on the Vita?
Yes. I don't know if its in the Vita store but if not you can just download it on a PS3 if you have one and transfer it over.
Any missing games from the Vita PSP store are being added.