Well I couldn't wait any longer, I've played just about every demo, except RIGS, which I will try when downloaded, and WOW. I'm new to VR so bare that in mind, but I am extremely pleased with this.
Eve: Valkyrie stands out as a possible day 1 purchase(even though it's a 3min demo!?), depending on length and depth of game. Battlezone is good, but I would want co-op to pay full price for that. Until Dawn... hmmm. I nearly jumped off the sofa at one point in the game where I couldn't of been looking in the worse place, to turn around and BAM jump like hell! Downloading Resi 7 - Kitchen. Now I just have to wait till 12:01, I think Eve Will be my first game, along with 3 or 4 £15.99 games.
When I first used them, my eyes strained when I took the headset off. But now they seem to be fine while using it, so I adapted quickly!
Highly recommended experience, It's better then I thought it would be.