PlayStation VR / VR2

Cancel and grab one from the high street?

Seems to be plenty in stock around here I was expecting it to be pretty much sold out the way people were talking about limited stock.

I would but won't have a chance to go to shops until Saturday. Unless Tesco's have stock? I'm going to check now...
Noticed a dead pixel on mine. Smack bang in the middle of the left side. Only noticeable in bright white scenes though.

Really don't fancy trying to get everything back in the box for a return.
Well I couldn't wait any longer, I've played just about every demo, except RIGS, which I will try when downloaded, and WOW. I'm new to VR so bare that in mind, but I am extremely pleased with this.

Eve: Valkyrie stands out as a possible day 1 purchase(even though it's a 3min demo!?), depending on length and depth of game. Battlezone is good, but I would want co-op to pay full price for that. Until Dawn... hmmm. I nearly jumped off the sofa at one point in the game where I couldn't of been looking in the worse place, to turn around and BAM jump like hell! Downloading Resi 7 - Kitchen. Now I just have to wait till 12:01, I think Eve Will be my first game, along with 3 or 4 £15.99 games.

When I first used them, my eyes strained when I took the headset off. But now they seem to be fine while using it, so I adapted quickly!

Highly recommended experience, It's better then I thought it would be.
Just tried out REZ infinite.. really cool use of VR that makes the game a bit easier as you can look right around and target things you might miss on a normal screen.Looking down below at some of the bigger ships is seriously impressive :cool:
Level 3 just cleared :) and Area X unlocks after 1 hours play
Only one niggle for me is that the supplied earbuds didnt work in one ear :(
No biggie though
Just going to have shower,then the unboxing,and set-up will begin,:D,on a side note,my son has just come in,and say's CEX are selling the psvr for £500.00:eek:
Apparently Argos have them in a lot of stores. If my amazon order doesn't appear by tomorrow lunchtime my wife has offered to go and get me one whilst I'm at work :D

I think she understands the gravity of the situation! :p
Noticed a dead pixel on mine. Smack bang in the middle of the left side. Only noticeable in bright white scenes though.

Really don't fancy trying to get everything back in the box for a return.

I'd get a replacement if there is a dead pixel, I didn't even think it was possible to get a dead pixel!? I wouldn't worry about getting everything back in the box tidy either, shocking fault.
Watched allumette - v nice. Played one of the vr room games collecting the bots - this made me feel nauseous, but kids say it was fine.

How long is the Kitchen demo? Fancy playing but time for bed soon :(
Its very very good. As a Rez fan this is the best way i've played it yet.

Agreed on that, it plays fantastically well. Rez and Driveclub VR are definite highlights so far.

Only problem for me is I'm a total wimp with heights, so I need to remember to not look down during VR games so often.
as expected brother worked from home so it's waiting at the office, all I've got to do is finish work early (dream on) drive to his and then back home (two hour journey). On the plus side I have downloaded all the available demos and set up the camera which amazon deliverer today :)
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