PlayStation VR / VR2

The way i look at it its a cheaper way of getting a big screen in your living room however the visual quality isnt quite up there.Saying that i have a projector in my living room which i can compare it to.
I would definately try before you buy.
For me the priority was to play games on it and for the experience ive had already had with REZ Infinite it is worth every single penny.

Cheers I've got a projector too and am used to images being a tad blurry even though it's 1080p. I'll consider :)
Really need some help badly here or mine will be going back.

Does anyone know how to go through that initial setup again? I know you can go into settings ect and redo the camera and light tracking but I'm talking about the initial setup the first time you plug everything in and switch it on... I cant seem to find that anymore.

Basically after the initial setup everything was great and it worked fine but stupidly I recalibrated it again and then it started drifting to the left... recalibrated the camera and lights about another 10 times... tried different positions but no luck... the picture still keeps drifting to the left and the center button never seems to center it properly. I cant even play rush of blood that I bought because I keep ending up at 45 degrees in the game sometimes closer to 90 degrees to the left....Anyone else having this issue?
Really need some help badly here or mine will be going back.

Does anyone know how to go through that initial setup again? I know you can go into settings ect and redo the camera and light tracking but I'm talking about the initial setup the first time you plug everything in and switch it on... I cant seem to find that anymore.

Basically after the initial setup everything was great and it worked fine but stupidly I recalibrated it again and then it started drifting to the left... recalibrated the camera and lights about another 10 times... tried different positions but no luck... the picture still keeps drifting to the left and the center button never seems to center it properly. I cant even play rush of blood that I bought because I keep ending up at 45 degrees in the game sometimes closer to 90 degrees to the left....Anyone else having this issue?

Have you tried holding the PS button down and choosing the VR setup?
Yeah I'm talking about the initial setup you do the first time you install it. Not the one in the vr setup menu. Iv used that 10+ times and its still drifting to the left.

Lots of people reporting drift on Reddit aswell. I think it may well be down to just poor tracking by way of old skool tech. Full reboots and dim lighting might help.
Hey i tried some movies films on a usb stick they are VR oculus smartphone format, when i tested it in the VR head set the files played but just not as they should, even when i switch it to VR mode, both of the images are split miles apart, still no adult entertainment support :D
I think its just a case of poor tech, especially the camera and move controllers being ancient. I'm literally playing in darkness with no lights in the room apart from the ps vr stuff and the tv. The wallpaper behind me is even black lol.
Tryed moving the camera closer to me but still the same. Its always to the left side aswell the drift and pressing the centering button only seems to center it on a up and down axis not left or right so its still stuck to the side lol. if it didn't have this issue I would love it because I felt like a kid in a candy shop when I played rush of blood the first time. It gave me that feeling of being in the arcades as a kid and I loved it.
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I think its just a case of poor tech, especially the camera and move controllers being ancient. I'm literally playing in darkness with no lights in the room apart from the ps vr stuff and the tv. The wallpaper behind me is even black lol.
Tryed moving the camera closer to me but still the same. Its always to the left side aswell the drift and pressing the centering button only seems to center it on a up and down axis not left or right so its still stuck to the side lol. if it didn't have this issue I would love it because I felt like a kid in a candy shop when I played rush of blood the first time. It gave me that feeling of being in the arcades as a kid and I loved it.

It is amazing, so much so that I'm finding it very hard to even think about playing "normal" games, no matter how good they are. All I can say is, I hope it doesn't happen to me. I have well lit room, and am about 8-10 feet away from camera/tv, not using move controller(s).

EDIT: Actually have you tried it without the move controller(s)?

EDIT: Push comes to shove, disconnect it and remove the device in settings or save file? I'd worry about it happening again though. If it happens again, I'd get a replacement.
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Mine arrived this afternoon and been going through all the demos etc, I'm really impressed.
VR really is the biggest leap forward in gaming history, as long as it fulfils it's potential.
I doubt it'll truly take off until the wires go though, that side of things is undeniably cumbersome atm.
For me so far, it's the Kitchen and RIGS demos that have had the most impact.
Still got some to go though, and now my ancient move controllers finally have charge again I can try some of the other demos properly.
I've been fine for motion sickness while playing, and I've always been particularly sensitive.
Odd thing though, I actually get a bit nauseous once I remove the headset...
Figure that out!??
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