Plusnet Discussion Thread

I went to the local BP petrol station to get pint of milk because my local spar shop is shut for holiday. I never walk to my BP petrol for a month. Until today, I notice a new box was installed outside the main road. This box is only nearby my house, just up the footpath about a minute walk away from it.

So, is that a new FTTC green cabinet ? My FTTC expecting go live next spring 2014.

He doesn't want cables trailing across the place. I think the master socket is near the front door and the router will be going upstairs in my room hopefully.

BTO will put the BTO Modem by the master socket and your router had to be closer next to the BTO modem or you can use a very long ethernet cable from downstair to upstair to your pc. If your dad say no. Then the only option is to turn on wifi (N) at your router downstair and use wifi from your pc upstair.
I don't understand why this poor managed by BT Openreach and I suggest all of you including Plusnet staff and management to get a complaint email to BT Openreach CEO Liv Garfield [email protected] because it her reponsibility to ensure all BT Openreach time slots spot on with the customers for Fibre To The Cabinet pre-order.

This is not good enough by BT Openreach timeslot ongoing isues problems and totally unaccepted.
U cannot move the master socket yourself, the phone line still in property of British Telecom. If you move it or mess behind the master socket wiring, you could faced a biggest fine if BT taken legal action against you.
I'm aware that legally only BT can touch 'their' side of the master socket, not you.

how will they know?
Ill just blame previous owner/ sky engineer ect ect.

Good question. But, I think BT system will stamped time and date at your local exchange of deactivated your line and reactivated line. And BT can check if there is any engineer is booked at that time, if not, then BT know u had messed it and take legal action against you, only if the line won't be back online.

It's up to u. Beware of the big bills if u need BT to come out again.

I be totally amazing if you managed to move master socket and the line is working! ;)
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BT system at the local exchange does recording all actives on your line with broadband too for any diagnostic fault via BT Retail & your Service Provider (for broadband fault)
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The Master line box is the "demarcation" point between your telephone equipment, wiring and BT's Exchange Line.

The reason this is so, is that everything on your side of the master, is your problem. Everything on BT's side, including the Master line box itself, is BT's problem. It needs to stay this way!

Now if you want to something along the lines of; move the Master socket (to get rid of the crap wire between that junction box and master socket) or to relocate the Master socket to where the drop cable enters your premises, then to do this is YOUR choice, if you mess it up, then you will need BT to sort it out, IF they sort it out for you that is (keep reading).

If you successfully move your Master socket to have more “high quality user-side wiring” then good for you, but it is ILLEGAL to do this, if it is clear and obvious that you moved it yourself and BT issue’s a fine and/or terminate your line. Don’t say you weren't warned.

That was the warning… just in case you didn’t understand the ILLEGAL part.
Just did a test on a torrent file and my god did it fly.


Wow! That's pretty good!

Virgin Media Throttling and banned some torrent sites
Sky banned some torrent sites
BT Throttling and banned some torrent sites
TalkTalk banned some torrent sites

Plusnet - freedom to use torrent sites and line speed!
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