Pokemon GO! (2016)

i get no reception at work at all, which is probably a good thing, but there are no shops of gyms anywhere near work

The wife on the other hand has 2 shops and a gym from her desk :(

Thats 3mins from work. Someone is spending their lores well. Already Lv7 since this morning.
Are the servers down? I keep getting 'Unable to authenticate. Please try again.' when I try and logon.
You can actually download Pokemon Go in the UK here:


Once downloaded and installed go to Settings > General and then there should be a new thing that says either "Profiles & Device Management", which you need to go into, or "Yestech Technology Joint Stock Company....blah blah blah". Just click on either of these and trust the app, and there you go - Pokemon Go on iOS in the UK, without all the trickery.

Have you used this method/anyone else? ... doesn't sound very legit.

inb4 i get haxor'd
If you have any google play credit or are willing to spend 80p, it's well worth buying a lucky egg before level 9 if you know you can have a productive 30 mins in terms of xp e.g. ready to evolve several pokemon or there's a lure nearby, or ideally both. You will be able to level quite quickly with double xp and get to level 9 then 10 pretty fast, at which time you get another lucky egg for each level. Don't know if you get any past 10 but that's as far as I've got.

But with 2 more lucky eggs I should be able to crack on well.
I have nothing around here. Drove 20 minutes to the nearest city today, just for this game :/

Sign up to Ingress. Then download an app called "Nearby Ingress".


It shows you where all of the Pokestops / gyms are, as it uses the same data set to create them.

It will save you a lot of driving around.

Also to make sure you have the area you are in, saved offline in Google maps. The game uses the google maps api and this saves a lot of data downloading.
It becomes Gyrados! Dragon type iirc
Edit: not dragon apparently just looks like one
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