Pokemon GO! (2016)

My 10k was a Chancy yesterday :D Also got:

- Magneton (evolved)
- Electrode (evolved)
- Dewong (evolved)
- Kadabra (caught @ 711)
You used your real account for pokemap? :(.

I can't remember what I used, I only went to have a look at what it does. That one that shows you where pokemon are.
It doesn't matter, I don't use it anymore since the tracking went down and I feel a lot of people will get the ban letter.
Never tried gps spoofing
Oh, you mean pokevision?

There's no way that you got a ban for using that. It doesn't use your account or IP to send requests to Niantic.

I thought you were talking about using PokeMap-Go or whatever it's called, that you use on your own computer to manually scan and have to make new accounts for to do the scanning.

Edit: I've seen a bunch of people say they've got this email but can still log in and play just fine btw.
How The Legendary Birds Will Be Encountered!! Confirmed by PokemonGO Officials!

Now with the new team leader images being added to the game, and them giving the option to switch teams, Pokemon Go’s twitter has officially decided to cap on their update and release how exactly the legendary birds will be encountered!

They go on to explain that the leader of your team will tell you about the sighting of the legendary bird Pokemon, later giving you a chance to collect their “Legendary Feathers” However the only way to speak to your leader and deliver the feathers would be to walk toward’s a gym that is owned by your team.

After you collect 3 feathers the legendary bird lands at the gym you delivered your feathers to, initiating a batle that any teammates from your team can actually jump in and help fight. The battle gives candies for the Pokemon used in the fight, so if you use a Scyther you’ll get Scyther candy.

The birds show up at 1500 CP and will not have a way to get candy to ensure they won’t be able to break the game and be unbeatable. ONCE the battle is complete you get one of 3 new Pokeballs called the Team Valor ball , Team Instinct Ball and Team Mystic Ball that give you a 100% catch rate for the Legendary Pokemon you just battled. Birds obviously can only be caught based upon the team you are on.

Hatched a lapras for the first time today 1700cp powered to almost 2k happy with that and got the best defensive move set.

Which moves are best defensively? I usually compare the dps for different moves but how do I know which are best for defence and which are best of offence?
Caught an Eevee today around CP590 or so. Only had to power it up twice to max it out. Then I evolved it.


My new highest level pokemon. I love the fact it evolved to its max CP for my level :)
Nice :).

When you evolve a pokemon it will be the same level as it is before you evolve it. So if it's maxed before you power it up it will be maxed afterwards, if it's 5 power ups off before evolving it will be 5 off after leveling up.

Edit: For moves I look at this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...bX2jLjjJK0Qw/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1036598933

I believe it's the one most people believe is best unless there's been a new one recently. It's not perfect by any means (I don't think it takes stuff like dodging into account for example, or only dodging a certain amount or something), but it's the best we have atm I think.

Just checked, it doesn't take into account dodging, damage done for "Gym offense" and damage done * tankness for "dueling".

Certain moves are better for defenders because the attack time is higher for them so it favours slower quick attacks that do higher damage but less dps when used by the player. Certain charge moves rank higher for defense than offense because of how long the test is (100 second fight) and how much energy is gained (ie they might be able to get more of one ability off compared to the one that's listed as best for offense).
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Just caught a CP686 Porygon on the bus to work. Doesn't look anything special except from being rare.

Those in Newcastle upon Tyne, I got him at the Discovery Museum this morning about 730 on the bus to work.

Took down a couple of gyms last night too, only to reason the first one I was being helped by another player on a different team, and guess who got to claim it? Not me. The second one was taken over minutes after I did by the same dude that claimed my victory ha.
Here's another damage spreadsheet: https://m.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad...ulator/?utm_source=mweb_redirect&compact=true

Didn't realise qmike was still updating this after the move changes that happened a while back.

I think qmikes one in this post uses the correct damage formula and factors in energy gained from damage.

No idea which one is better (I've seen people saying qmike's is, but more use the first from professor_kukui), most go off the first one I linked, but that might just be because qmike's wasn't updated straight away, wasn't a new post, and is harder to read than the other one.
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