Pokemon GO! (2016)

Kind of wish I'd gone for a different team. Every gym I ever see is either blue or red. I rarely see a yellow owned gym anywhere near me.

They are becoming more common I would say.

My local golf club is almost constantly yellow! Someone that works there must boss it :P
I got perm banned.

Used it in on the plane in lanzarote, arrived home and turned it on... 10 seconds later disconnected then now im banned.

I emailed them and the simply said i am banned for gps spoofing.. Great.

They also stated that the system used to detect it isn't incorrect and it deemed it impossible to travel the distance in that time..
. Yea ok
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I've lost a little interest in this game since the escape rate is somewhat OTT. I've hit level 25 but I'm not finding myself wanting to go out and play as I know what the outcome will be!
The first wild Pokemon I caught was a Pikachu. In my living room. <20 seconds after starting up the game for the first time. :D
There is an easter egg that allows for pikachu to be your first pokemon. After that first opportunity it's much rarer.
Caught an Eevee today around CP590 or so. Only had to power it up twice to max it out. Then I evolved it.


My new highest level pokemon. I love the fact it evolved to its max CP for my level :)

Nice, shame about the moveset. :(
Finally hit 400 magikarp candy, I was dreading evolving it as I knew with my luck I'd get a Gyarados with twister, but happily I got Hydro pump. IV is showing as 88%-93% which I figured I'd settle for, didn't want to wait indefinitely for something better. :)
About three quarters I'd say. IV calc gives it 48.9%

Not great then. I caught two recently. Not sure of the stats. I'm holding off starting the game today as I have a flight back to the UK and don't want any ban like the poster mentioned earlier. I will check them when I get back. I picked up 9 Tauros in total and enough magikarp to evolve 2 to Gyrados! :cool:
Finally hit 400 magikarp candy, I was dreading evolving it as I knew with my luck I'd get a Gyarados with twister, but happily I got Hydro pump. IV is showing as 88%-93% which I figured I'd settle for, didn't want to wait indefinitely for something better. :)

What CP magikarp did you use and what was the evolved CP?
What CP magikarp did you use and what was the evolved CP?

It was 160 and evolved to 1669, that seems about right based on what delta0's reply although the evolve calculator at pokeassistant seems to suggest 2038...

I'd powered up a few times prior to evolving just to narrow down the IV, as it was originally showing as 68%-95%, but after a few power ups I had it narrowed down to 82%-95%.

Out of candy now so gotta wait till I catch some more to power it up.
2nd gyarados evolved. Got Dragon pulse this time. Much better! First attack is bite so I may get more candy for another. I'm keeping both of them though. They are brutal in the gym. One hit killing sometimes!
Bite is the only quick move that (new) Gyarados can have now. They've stopped new ones from getting Dragon Breath which is a shame since Dragon Breath/Dragon Pulse is his best moveset for fighting Dragonite.
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