Pokemon GO! (2016)

hmm, unsure, my nearby screen shows pretty much exactly whats on the server map.

Suspect online one may be broken/run out of api requests/overloaded or something.
Good work :)

On my 'Nearby' today I've had Ponyta, Staryu, Polywag and Magikarp (of which I've caught 2)...this map shows none of these - would they be random spawns which aren't shown?

If you have caught it, then a new pokemon would be selected for spawn.

When I went for my lunch pokestop loop, everything on the map was pretty much there (including a bulbasaur, woot).

It only seems to show currently spawned pokemon and how much longer they will be there for, it doesn't show future spawn locations. So it is best used when you see something in your nearby list that you want, to narrow down where to go.
I caught a promising Squirtle earlier 241cp, 37hp, 1000 candy, 15 attack and 50 special attack. I need to work out its stats to see how good it really is.
I've found you don't need to hold a gym for 20 hours to get cash. As soon as you enter one you can cash out straight away. You can only get the cash again after 20 hours. So even if you are in the gym for a really short time you can grab the cash as soon as you enter.
Yup, so it's best to go round and grab as many gyms as you can then cash out. Wait 20 hours and do it all again :p
They have IVs in Go as well? Fuuuuuuuuuuu---

Seriously though, the amount of time I've spent breeding in the main games getting perfect IVs gives me PTSD just thinking about it :p.



Original here: Pokemon Go Flowchart
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Made trip into Lincoln again, tagged one pokestop then game crashes and servers (for me at least) seem to be down.

What a waste of time :p
I can log in, but nothing loads up in-game, so didn't hang around in town after my yoga class.

Wasted a lure+incense halfway through. But got a second dratini.

I would imagine Pokevision doesn't work either when the servers are down; gonna check it works on my second phone, and keep that with me running Pokevision.

I have a cemetery near me, and restling leaves. I've hung out a couple of times for a few minutes but nothing popped up. Pokevision should nowlet me see if anything appears, and I could leg it 200m to go get it.
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Yes, confirmed on that server twitter feed. Aparrently a game update was rolled out, which led to servers taking a hit.
All the servers down for some sort of maintenance.

Just wish they would announce this stuff, their approach to customer service is to go meta-ostrich and bury their head so deep that clearly, nothing will go wrong as they wont be able to hear it.

Luckily I hadn't dropped my 2 X lures and an incense or I would be more than a little miffed. As it is, just a wasted journey and petrol :p
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