Pokemon GO! (2016)

Did the lucky egg evolution trick before the server's went down, managed to go up 2.5 levels.
just downloaded the update, seems to load quicker, but servers are still iffy, the footprint bug is still present however!
My bag is also now over full, 409/350 due to item rewards from increasing levels. Don't see paying 200 coins for an extra 50 spaces good value when I still won't be able to collect any more stuff!
My bag is also now over full, 409/350 due to item rewards from increasing levels. Don't see paying 200 coins for an extra 50 spaces good value when I still won't be able to collect any more stuff!

Do you have potions and super potions? I would get rid of the potions, keep the supers and reduce your revives down to about 10-15
Is it best to power up before or after evolving? Or does it not make any difference?

After, because when evolving, your attack moves might change, so best you power up once you evolve and are happy with its moves.

ALso, people are recommending collecting enough candy to evolve twice in a row. I can see why, but it's bloody slow doing that.
Downloaded this 3 days ago and I'm yet to see what all the fuss is about because I've never got any further than a loading screen. Is this still a beta?

I've seen this happen on older phones. It does this on the iPhone 4s

After, because when evolving, your attack moves might change, so best you power up once you evolve and are happy with its moves.

ALso, people are recommending collecting enough candy to evolve twice in a row. I can see why, but it's bloody slow doing that.

I heard they're making around $2m a day. I'm shocked they aren't throwing money at their apparent server issues to make a smooth experience for everyone trying to play.

Undoubtedly this will fade in popularity over time. How long will they have? Surely they want to make as much as they can while it's crazy popular? All the time we can't log in, they're making nothing...
Seeing lots of complaints about in app purchases being lost because of server crashes. Not sure if that's true or not but unstable apps shouldn't be eligible to use in app purchases until they're stable.
Well they have upgraded infrastructure but not enough. The whole situation is a little strange it feels like they aren't backing themselves and are relying on the game to lose popularity to solve all their problems. Issues with backing your game to fail is the gamer fans are quick to move on to the next fad so this could fall as quickly as it has risen if they aren't careful.

I like it, I'll keep playing but I think the casual gamers will move on quote quickly once the novelty wears off and they realise that a) there is largely **** all to do and b) unless you give up your life you will stop progressing when you have your basic Pokemon sorted.

I think this game will be a good move for gaming as it will move a lot of companies on to developing more innovative games but this game, whilst a trailblazer, is pretty horribly flawed.

As above though, I'm in for a fair while longer yet! :)
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